
MM8LevelEditor development

There are a number of MM8LevelEditor changes in cvs which have not been released. You'll have to download and build the project from source to get them. It will take a bit of work to clean up the source for a stable release as a lot of untested changes have been added since 3.47.

Also, MM8LevelEditor development has pretty much been at an end for a few years due to limitations of the framework.

I've started a new MMLevelEditor (no '8') project which uses a different project-based approach which is currently in cvs. This is an Eclipse-RCP-platform-based application, so you're best off using the Eclipse RCP IDE to work with it. The new editor currently uses jME as the 3d view engine. MM6 ODM maps with sprites are currently viewable. For now, you have to unpack all LOD files into a same-name directory which parallels the MM6 directory structure (ie, use MM8LevelEditor to extract all from SPRITES.LOD into a SPRITES.LOD directory in your MM6 project).

Posted by Mike Kienenberger 2010-01-04

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