

Matthew Levine

Running mlbviewer on Windows is possible thanks to the incredible Cygwin application.

First, download the Cygwin application here:

When installing Cygwin, make sure to install the following software packages from their respective categories:

Category Software Package
Devel gcc-core
Devel gcc-g++
Devel make
Devel subversion
Libs libcurl-devel
Libs libcurl4
Net openssl-devel
Web wget
Editors your favorite (vim, emacs, nano, nedit, etc. Pick one you're comfortable with or use your favorite Windows editor)

Once you have made these selections, click Next and accept any additional package selections Cygwin suggests to meet the prerequisites of the ones you have selected.

After cygwin installation has completed, start a Cygwin Terminal from Start Menu.

You will need more packages that were not available in the Cygwin installation.


Required for mlbhls (HD streamer used by mlbviewer).
Get the source here:

$ wget
$ tar xvzf libconfig-1.4.9.tar.gz
$ cd libconfig-1.4.9
$ sh configure --prefix=/usr
$ make
$ make install

It is very important to include the "--prefix=/usr" in the configure statement. Otherwise, mlbhls may not find the newly installed libconfig in /usr/local.


This is the HD streamer and may eventually become the default streamer as MLB.TV no longer officially supports the RTMP (SD) streamer for video. Rtmpdump is still required for audio streaming.

Get the source for mlbhls, build, and install it as follows:

$ cd
$ git clone
$ cd mlbtv-hls-nexdef.git
$ make
$ cp mlbhls /usr/bin


Get the source here:

Build and install as follows:

$ cd
$ wget
$ tar xvzf rtmpdump-2.3.tgz
$ cd rtmpdump-2.3
$ make
$ make install


Mpv is a fork of mplayer2 and is the recommended player for mlbviewer.

Get a recent Windows release here:

Extract the entire Windows release to your cygwin /usr/share location. If you installed cygwin in C:\cygwin, then extract the file to c:\cygwin\usr\share\mpv. You will need to instruct your favorite archive extractor application to create the mpv directory. Otherwise, it will extract all the files directly to /usr/share making a mess of /usr/share.

Finally, link the mpv.exe to /usr/bin:

$ ln -s /usr/share/mpv/mpv.exe /usr/bin/mpv.exe

You can instead make the link as mplayer which will save you the trouble of changing the video_player= and audio_player= settings in the mlbviewer config file.


Finally ready for mlbviewer.

$ cd
$ svn co mlbviewer-svn
$ cd mlbviewer-svn
$ ./

Edit the config file and add in your MLB.TV or username and password in the user= and pass=.

Change the video and audio player lines to mpv instead of mplayer. The rest of the lines can remain the same. If you created the link from /usr/share/mpv/mpv.exe to /usr/bin/mplayer.exe, you do not need to change the video_player and audio_player lines.


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