
MidWay / News: Recent posts

Release of MidWay 0.11.0

The long overdue update of MidWay, the service request broker. Features many bugfixes, and rpm this time.

Posted by Terje Eggestad 2001-10-05

Release MidWay 0.10.1 and Perl Module

MidWay is now released at 0.10.1 this is a bug fix release and a needed release for the Perl module

The native Perl module are also released at 0.1.0

Posted by Terje Eggestad 2000-12-05

Initial Public Release

This is the first general release. MidWay has
undergone better testing, an TCP/IP protocol has been added, and I finally has gotten it's own domain name. See

Posted by Terje Eggestad 2000-10-24

Initial Release

Posted by Terje Eggestad 2000-05-01