
Microproperties / News: Recent posts

Microproperties V0.2.0 Released

Today we have release v0.2.0 of Microproperties. It has support for reading properties from a file.

Microproperties is a flexible and extensible library for dealing with properties in applications written in Java ME (former J2ME). Read properties from MIDlet Manifest/JAD, a textfile or over internet via a URL. Set properties as never before in Java ME.

Posted by Johan Karlsson 2009-03-08

A Second Alpha Release

I have released a second alpha release of Microproperties.

It includes a Properties & MidletProperties class. Please take a look at the test code to find out how to use it.

Posted by Johan Karlsson 2008-11-16

Microproperties: A First Alpha Release

Microproperties is a flexible and extensible library for dealing with properties in applications written in Java ME (former J2ME). Read properties from MIDlet Manifest/JAD, a textfile or over internet via a URL. Set properties as never before in Java ME.

A first alpha release of Microinstall has been done. Please download and provide feedback.

Posted by Johan Karlsson 2008-11-14


I have finally created some code. This will be available soon. Stay tuned!

Best Regards
Johan Karlsson
// Project admin

Posted by Johan Karlsson 2008-11-12