
Netlist Format for PARIS

  • Marko Skofljanec


    is there any documentation about the TEMIC netlist format ?

    I'm looking for a tutorial, how to create a cell using a existing netlist.


    • martin gerbershagen

      Hi Marko,

      the netlist format is a simple table format, for each connected pin there is one line in the netlist file consisting of

      net-name/ inst-name pin-name pin-type cell-name

      All columns are seperated with spaces. The pin type can always be U for undefined. It is not used in PARIS.
      Please note the / and the space after the net-name. This is an example:
            792/ Q1     E    U NPN
            792/ Q2     E    U NPN
            792/ Q3     C    U NPN
            VCC/ Q4    E    U NPN
            VCC/ Q5    E    U NPN
            VCC/ Q1    C    U NPN
            VCC/ R1    S     U RESISTOR
      The lines starting with - are ignored. The sort order does not matter.

      If you want to create a cell, you first have to place the instances. Then you can install the netlist with the command netlist -install <filename>, where <filename> contains the cell's netlist. After that PARIS shows the netlines in the layout, where there are missing connections. Each time you create a connection the corresponding net line dissapears.

      Please let me know, if you need a working example in the sampletech technology. If yes, I can prepare one and send it as a mail attachment, which is not posible this short mail in the discussion forum.

      Best regards

      Martin Gerbershagen

    • Marko Skofljanec

      Hi Martin,

      thanks a lot. It worked. I had a some trouble with the instance names, but I figured out how to change them.

      I was wondering, what the command "inspect -intnet"
      is doing. There is no output when I invoke the command. However Cell/Createlist creates output. I thought, both should produce similar results.


    • martin gerbershagen

      Hi Marko,

      the inspect -intnet command shows the port list of a cell. If you create one or more ports by changing the geo function of a gemetry to PIN, which implies the assignment of a pin name, this pin name is entered into the port list of the cell. If you want to connect a cell from an upper hierarchy level, you have to create ports, otherwise there is no successful connectivity extraction. You are only allowed to connect to a net with at least one geometry of geo function PIN within the net.

      Best regards

      Martin Gerbershagen


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