
Trying to compare mutliple gene lists

  • William Gordon

    William Gordon - 2009-11-17

    I would like to compare 10 gene lists, is it possible to upload 10 different datasets and cross compare them?  Basically I have gene names and expression values, if I put them all into the same datafile how do I tell the program to treat them separately or can I load all 10 separately into one window?  The reason I cant use one gene list and then have all the expression values is I am comparing different array platforms and the number of genes is different for each list.

  • Sarita Nair

    Sarita Nair - 2009-11-17


    Thanks for your interest in MeV.

    MeV does not have the capability to load data from different platforms simultaneously and display in the same window.  However if you can convert the data in to a single platform tab delimited file you could use the TDMS loader.

    Sorry for the inconvenience,



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