
#817 DGIndexNV at random takes infinite time to create index file

David Lind

I've updated to MeGUI 2525 and DGIndex latest version. At random DGDecodeNV when creating the index file, it will take an infinite amount of time to create the index file as the time remaining keeps going up instead of down. I do NOT get this problem when manually creating an index file without DGDecodeNV (when not using MeGUI).

You said "you can try to execute the command line without MeGUI (it is written in the log). When this also fails/stop then you can get in contact with the author of the tool. If it only fails when using MeGUI please have a look at the task manager if the process is still there or not"

"Observe in both cases if at the end the dgindexnv process is still there. If yes and it happens only in 2 then I have to investigate. If it is happening in both cases it is something the author of the tool has to investigate"

Can you please give me a step by step instructions of what I'm supposed to do as this is confusing.

So when I notice that the index is taking an infinite amount of time to be created what do I do then? Do I just leave that index running or do I abort it?

I left it running then I looked at Task Manager processes. DGIndexNV was there. It showed CPU: 0%. With DGIndexNV still running I then ran the command line like you said. It says this: C:\Users\Dave\Project then it had a number that went from 1 to 100. It reached 100 then I didn't see any further activity in CMD. I assume that means the index file was created successfully? Also I saw a new DGIndexNV process and it had around 20% CPU usage.

You said "Observe in both cases if at the end the dgindexnv process is still there. If yes and it happens only in 2 then I have to investigate". What do you mean by "2"?

I assume the command I ran used MeGUI? How do I run the command without MeGUI?


  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2016-09-04
    • status: open --> pending
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2016-09-04

    Sorry, I have not noticed this post before now. Is this problem solved or do you have it still?

  • David Lind

    David Lind - 2016-09-04

    Yes I still have the problem in MeGUI 2525. I've not tried the latest MeGUI version yet. Will let you know if it happens in that but I imagine it would as I don't see anything in the version history saying that the problem has been fixed.

    Bit annoying this problem as apparently the log doesn't show the problem. I reported the problem to both you and the DGDecodeNV creator but you both say it's the other program that's causing the problem and you can't help with that. Could you please collaborate to fix this issue.


    Last edit: David Lind 2016-09-04
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2017-03-25

    Sorry that it took again so much time. Have you updated your MeGUI version? Do you still have the problem with a recent version?

  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2017-11-04
    • status: pending --> closed-out-of-date
  • David Lind

    David Lind - 2018-03-24

    Please reopen the ticket. MeGUI 2828 still has this problem. It only happens in MeGUI. It doesn't happen when manually using DGIndexNV on it's own.

    If you can't fix it, perhaps you could add a toggle option in the options of MeGUI that says "If ticked MeGUI will abort a DGIndexNV indexing procedure if the indexing takes longer than 5 minutes and it will change the status back to "Waiting".

    This is a big problem. The whole point of MeGUI is automation. At the moment I can't leave MeGUI without checking on it every 30 mins to see if I get the infinite indexing bug.


    Last edit: David Lind 2018-03-24
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2018-03-29
    • status: closed-out-of-date --> open
  • David Lind

    David Lind - 2018-04-04

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I'll post here instead of the thread on Donald Graft's site.

    I'm using MeGUI 2828. I cleared the log then I added a One-Click encode for this folder:
    Here are the files in that folder:
    1080i Clip A.mkv
    1080i Clip B.mkv
    1080i Clip C.mkv
    1080i Clip D.mkv

    Log is attached.

    Could you please tell me what command to run in the command prompt so I can test if the bug happens in that. If it does, what info do you then need me to provide for proof?


    Last edit: David Lind 2018-04-04
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2023-04-07
    • status: open --> pending
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2023-04-07

    Does this still happen with recent versions of MeGUI and DgIndexNV?


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