
#611 2nd worker Object reference not set

t l

Generally if there is only one worker it works fine. but with 2 workers, I get an Object reference not set to an instance of an object. after the d2v is done


  • t l

    t l - 2011-03-18

    log file

  • t l

    t l - 2011-03-18

    By the way, the other worker goes ahead happily, and if I reset the aborted job to waiting, then it runs till completion.

  • Lighto

    Lighto - 2011-04-06

    MeGUI is indeed not working right when there are more than 1 worker.
    Job1: x264 encoding - processing
    Job2: x264 encoding - waiting
    Job3: File Indexing - waiting

    When I send Job 3 to Worker 2, it completes that job then starts run Job2 which was not assigned to it as well.
    When I run Job3 in a new temporary worker, it works fine though.

  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2011-04-07

    @wobble3: The problem seems to be that two instances of the interlace detection are running simultaneously. I need to investigate this.

    @lighto: That is the desired behavior as every free worker will process waiting jobs which have no worker assigned. Only the temporary worker will terminate/delete itself after the queue has been processed so that no new jobs will be processed.

    @both: Thanks for the reports!

  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2012-01-08
    • status: open --> pending
  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2012-01-08

    Does this still happen with the recent build? There have been some improvements in the past in that area.

  • Zathor

    Zathor - 2013-02-10
    • status: pending --> closed-fixed

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