
MediaLibrary 0.2.1 unofficial cvs release

I played a lot with the current ML cvs release this week, and found out that its stability vastly improved since 0.2.

All the important bug fixes & mesmerizing new features convinced me to tag a 0.2.1 cvs release.
You may get it by cvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -r MEDIALIBRARY_0_2_1 MediaLibrary


* indexed MP3 files' ID3 information is parsed as file comments
* automatically sorted media tree view (name, size...)
* sort strategies may be customized in resources/medialib.prop
* media may be removed
* just renamed media are sorted and selected again
* 2 GUI refresh policy: continuous (i.e. on every catalog model
event) or on catalog loading & indexing end only. Set by the
property "medialib.gui.refresh" in resources/medialib.prop (values:
OnActionEndOnly or OnModelEvent).
* OnModelEvent policy's file loading performances improved (4 times faster then
* OnActionEndOnly light fast gui refresh policy (6 times faster than OnModelEvent)


* [ 566836 ] CDs nodes not sorted
* [ 583774 ] ToolTips
* [ 583776 ] Statistics Frame
* [ 585761 ] MultiSelection GUI problems

M. "sunny holidays"

Posted by Marc Dutoo 2002-08-02

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