
#465 inconsistency between facts() and facts(v)


In a given context, facts(v) applied with various v
must reproduce the entire output of the facts()
command. This is not the case:

(C14) facts();
(D14) [z + a > 0, b > z]
(C15) facts(a);
(D15) []
(C16) facts(b);
(D16) [b > z]
(C17) facts(z);
(D17) [b > z]
(C18) facts(z + a);
(D18) []

It would be OK to have:

facts(z); => [z + a > 0, - z + b > 0]
facts(a); => [z + a > 0]
facts(b); => [- z + b > 0]
facts(z+a); => [z + a > 0]
facts(a+z); => [z + a > 0]
facts(b-z); => [- z + b > 0]
facts(-z+b); => [- z + b > 0]


  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2006-07-19
    • labels: --> Lisp Core - Assume
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2006-07-19

    Logged In: YES

    Observed in 5.9.3cvs.

  • Dieter Kaiser

    Dieter Kaiser - 2009-11-30

    Adding a copy of the posting from the bug report ID: 2035858, which has been closed, because it is a duplicate of this report.

    Barton Willis ( willisbl ) - 2008-08-02 13:07

    (%i1) assume(x > a);
    (%o1) [x>a]

    OK--list facts about x:

    (%i2) facts(x);
    (%o2) [x>a]

    (%i3) assume(x > a -b);
    (%o3) [x+b-a>0]

    Not OK--- facts(x) doesn't include x + b - a > 0

    (%i4) facts(x);
    (%o4) [x>a]

    Based on the user documentation, I think most readers would assume that
    facts(x) would include x + b - a > 0.
    The user documentation says:

    "If item is not the name of a context, facts (item) returns a list of the
    facts known about item in the current context"

    Maybe this is mostly a documentation problem; it's not clear what "item"

    (%i10) assume(x > a + b);
    (%o10) [x-b-a>0]

    (%i11) facts(a+b);
    (%o11) []

    Dieter Kaiser

  • Dieter Kaiser

    Dieter Kaiser - 2010-03-20

    Fixed in compar.lisp revision 1.70. We get for the examples of this bug report:

    (%i2) assume(z+a>0,b>z)$

    (%i3) facts(a);
    (%o3) [z+a > 0]

    (%i4) facts(b);
    (%o4) [b > z]

    (%i5) facts(z);
    (%o5) [z+a > 0,b > z]

    (%i6) facts(z+a);
    (%o6) [z+a > 0]

    (%i7) facts(a+z);
    (%o7) [z+a > 0]

    But the following does not work. This case has to be deduced from the database. This is not done by the current implementation of $facts:

    (%i8) facts(b-z);
    (%o8) []

    Closing this bug report as fixed.
    Dieter Kaiser

  • Dieter Kaiser

    Dieter Kaiser - 2010-03-20
    • status: open --> closed

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