
#2813 giving completely innappropriate bogus error messages in a very simple program

dan hayes

giving completely innappropriate bogus error messages in a very simple program

wxMaxima version: 13.4.0
Maxima version: 5.31.1
Maxima build date: 2013-09-24 09:49:12
Host type: i686-pc-mingw32
Lisp implementation type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)
Lisp implementation version: GCL 2.6.8

(mm:3,assume(u>0,v>0,m[1]>0,m[2]>0,rm[1]>0,rm[2]>0),for s thru 3 do for i thru mm do assume(k[i,s]>0),ke:exp(-(1+
sum(sum(k[i,j]^2,j,1,3),i,1,mm))v),ek:prod(prod(exp(-k[i,j]^2/2),j,1,3),i,1,mm),for i thru 5 do(pl:makelist(random(3),i,1,3mm)
,vl:prod(prod(k[i,j]^pl[j+(i-1)*3],j,1,3),i,1,mm)ek,ldisp([pl]),t1:vl,t1r:vl , for j thru 3 do(t1:subst([k[1,j]=k[1,j]-y[j],k[2,j]=k[2,j]
y[j] ],t1)exp(-uy[j]^2),t1r:subst([k[1,j]=k[1,j]+rm[2]/rm[1]y[j],k[2,j]=k[2,j]-y[j] ],t1r)exp(-uy[j]^2))/end j/
,ldisp(["t1",t1,"t1r",t1r]),t1i:expand(t1),t1ir:expand(t1r), ldisp(["expanded ,length,init t1i",length(t1i),"x x",t1i, " expanded,length
,t1r",length(t1ir),"x x",t1ir]
),for i thru length(t1i) do(t1p::part(t1i,i),ldisp(["part",i,"t1 init",t1p]) )/
end i/ )/end i*/ )

As one can easily see there is nothing at all wrong with this simple routine but yet maxima gives error message:

assignment: cannot assign to errexp1


  • dan hayes

    dan hayes - 2014-09-13

    Sorry can withdraw this ticket as did find an error - double colon. though it would have helped had it given a more appropriate error message such as what the error was exactly
    "double colon" rather than what it did.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2014-09-16
    • labels: --> Problem not in Maxima
    • status: open --> closed
  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2014-09-16

    Closing this report per comment by author.


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