
#1183 limit/integrate wrong


Is 'limit('integrate(t,t,0,x),x,inf) positive, negative, or zero? pos;

=> 0

Of course the correct answer is INF, since

integrate(t,t,0,x)/x == x/2

More complicated examples (correct answer is INF)

limit(integrate(t/log(t),t,2,a)/a,a,inf) => 0
limit(integrate(t/log(t),t,x,2*x)/x,x,inf) => 0


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Maybe you should try your 1st example without "'" before "integrate":
    limit(integrate(t,t,0,x)/x,x,inf); gives the correct answer!

    And for your ´more complicated´ examples:
    What other answers do you expect, when Maxima isn´t able to solve the
    definite integrals???

  • Stavros Macrakis

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Re the anonymous comments:
    > Maybe you should try your 1st example without "'" before "integrate":
    > limit(integrate(t,t,0,x)/x,x,inf); gives the correct answer!

    Well, of course it does; Maxima can calculate a closed form for that integral. I was using that as a *simple* example of a noun-form integral where limit gives the wrong answer.

    > And for your ´more complicated´ examples:
    > What other answers do you expect, when Maxima isn´t able to solve the
    > definite integrals???

    First of all, I expect not to get an *incorrect* answer, 0. If Maxima can't calculate the correct answer, it should return a noun form.

    Secondly, in many cases it is possible to calculate the limit without being able to calculate a closed-form integral. For example,

    limit( integrate( exp(t)/t, t, 1, x) , x, inf) = inf
    (I'm surprised that integrate(exp(t)/t,t,1,inf)
    doesn't report it's divergent, but it doesn't...)
    limit( integrate( t^5/(t^7+log(t)), x, x+1), x, inf) = 0


    It turns out that limit doesn't have any special code for integrals like this, but it certainly *could*.

  • Robert Dodier

    Robert Dodier - 2007-07-03
    • labels: --> Lisp Core - Limit
  • Dan Gildea

    Dan Gildea - 2009-09-07

    Fixed in limit.lisp rev 1.80.

    (%i2) limit('integrate(t,t,0,x)/x,x,inf);
    (%o2) 'limit(('integrate(t,t,0,x))/x,x,inf)
    (%i3) limit(integrate(t/log(t),t,2,a)/a,a,inf);
    Is a-2 positive, negative, or zero?
    (%o3) inf
    (%i4) limit(integrate(t/log(t),t,x,2*x)/x,x,inf);
    Is x positive, negative, or zero?
    Is 2*x-1 positive, negative, or zero?
    Is x-1 positive, negative, or zero?
    (%o4) 'limit(gamma_incomplete(0,-2*log(x))/x

    Indefinite integral are still buggy:
    (%i5) limit('integrate(x,x)/x,x,inf);
    (%o5) 0

  • Barton Willis

    Barton Willis - 2021-09-10
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> None
  • Barton Willis

    Barton Willis - 2021-09-10

    Maxima now gives a nounformm not zero--I think this is OK and we can close this bug:

    (%i1)   limit('integrate(t,t,0,x)/x,x,inf);
    (%o1)   limit(integrate(t,t,0,x)/x,x,inf)
    (%i2)   build_info();
    (%o2)   build_info(version="5.43.2",timestamp="2020-01-27 

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