
Marvin Image Processing Framework / News: Recent posts

Marvin Image Processing Framework 1.3 release

Marvin is an extensible, cross-platform and open source image processing framework developed in Java. The main purpose of the framework is to provide an easy interface for image and video processing. The framework provides only the essential features to develop applications and plug-ins such as image manipulation, video capturing, multithreading and GUI integration. Hence, image processing algorithms are implemented externally as plug-ins. ... read more

Posted by Gabriel Ambrosio Archanjo 2010-03-05

Marvin Framework 1.2 released

Marvin is an extensible image processing framework developed in Java. The framework provides features to manipulate images and videos, analyze performance, integrate plug-ins with graphical user interface, process images using multiple threads and more.

Major changes since 1.1:

- added video capturing support.
- added multi-threading image processing support.
- optimizations in the image representation and manipulation.
- new 26 plug-ins.
- new samples.... read more

Posted by Gabriel Ambrosio Archanjo 2009-02-27