
Workflow with image and fractal resolution ?

  • Camille Bissuel

    Camille Bissuel - 2014-03-17

    and first, thanks you for this very inspiring program ;)

    I'm used to work with 3D software (Blender, etc.) but I'm new to the fractal world, and experimenting with Mandelbulber theses days.

    Something bother me since the beginning, and I can't solve the issue on my own (your manual disappeared, or it became the website ?) :
    I try to render a picture in 8K resolution (8192x8192), but I can't wait 5 hours or more to test my rendering...

    So I suppose the workflow is something like that :
    I create a picture in a very low resolution like 800x800 pixels, keeping rendering time under 2 or 3 minutes to be able to tweak it easily.
    When I'm happy, I upgrade the resolution to something like 2048x2048 to check on details...
    and finally, launch the final rendering to 8K, and the computer will work the whole night.

    But, when I do that, parts of my fractals present in the very low resolution disappear progressively (small part on 2048x2048, big parts on 8192x8192)...
    an example file settings :
    (longs pikes get shorter increasing image resolution)

    I have read here that I'm supposed to increase fractal resolution when increasing image resolution...

    but how to increase fractal resolution ???
    I can't find the right setting... and testing each button on big resolution take forever... !

    Many thanks in advance !


    Last edit: Camille Bissuel 2014-03-17
  • Camille Bissuel

    Camille Bissuel - 2014-03-17

    Sorry, I found the answer :

    I supposed it's when you write down a question that things become clearer...

    So to get the same level of detail if detail is set to "1" at 819x819 pixels, the "Detail level" parameter in the "Engine" tab have to be "0,1" at 8192x8192 pixels.

    maybe useful to add it in the manual ;)

    Sorry to have wasted your time !

  • CCV

    CCV - 2015-07-25

    Thanks for the tip, Camille. I actually read it here first and wasn't aware of that setting previously.

    I figured it's divide Detail Level by the same number size of Image is multiplied, to get the same general appearance.
    Sometimes using a different setting is good for effect tho, I find


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