
tsearch2 problems

  • Keith Bawden

    Keith Bawden - 2005-08-15


    When trying to add a new MailManager2 product I recieve the follwo error message:
    Error Type: ProgrammingError
    Error Value: ERROR: type "tsvector" does not exist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Create Functionality -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Aggregation function (used internally) -- -- This function combines the tsvector values of the messages in a ticket, -- gives back a tsvector which can be used to search all of the messages at -- once. The resulting tsvector preserves the releative distances between -- search terms, so the the scoring of results is not changed. -- -- Alternatively, we could use postgresql's CREATE AGGREGATE here, which may -- improve both the performance and the semantics of the database. For now, -- this shall suffice. -- -- Function: ts_aggregate(ticket_id integer) -- Description: Returns the aggregated message indicies from all of the -- messages under the ticket with the given id -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ts_aggregate(integer) RETURNS tsvector AS ' DECLARE ticket_id ALIAS FOR $1; summation TSVECTOR := ''''::tsvector; msg RECORD; BEGIN FOR msg IN SELECT * FROM mm_message WHERE mm_message.ticket_id = ticket_id LOOP summation = summation || msg.idxFTI; END LOOP; RETURN summation; END; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql


    The system is Debian Etch with Zope2.7 and all 3rd party apps installed.

    DB connection is established and working.

    Postgres-8.0 and postgresql-contrib-8.0 are installed.

    To me it looks like tsearch2 is not working. Is this a know issues?

    Also, how do I test and confirm tsearch2 is working?

    Regards, Bawdo2001

    • Kevin Campbell

      Kevin Campbell - 2005-08-15


      The problem you are having appears to be due to not having run the script. You need to run this script to configure the postgres
      server before trying to create a MailManager instance. The
      script will load in the tsearch2.sql file which comes with
      postgres-contrib, in order to add the tsvector and other datatypes. Did
      you run this script? If not, could you see if that solves the problem
      for you?


      Kevin Campbell             
      GPG Key: F480EC23
      Software Engineer                           
      Logical Progression Ltd              

    • Keith Bawden

      Keith Bawden - 2005-08-15


      I solved the problem.

      I had run the script as per the instructions in the README.txt file.

      ./ -z tsearch2.sql mailmanager_db

      However, on looking into the DB the four pg_ts* tables were not created.

      After dropping the mailmanager_db and user I then slighlty altered the example of how to run the script that I found in the online "Windows" installation howto:

      ./ --user=mailmanager --password=password --tsearch-sql=/usr/share/postgresql/8.0/contrib/tsearch2.sql --schema=mmdata mailmanager_db

      All is working roughly as it should.

      Diskusage is kicking up an error now. So I will run of and find out why. If I can't I will be back :-)

      Regards, Bawdo2001

      • Graeme Mathieson


        Hmm, maybe it should provide a more informative error if it can't find tsearch2.sql...

        The diskusage error might be a known one (though I thought I'd fixed it!).  It doesn't work correctly if you have no tickets in the database.  Do you have some data in MailManager?  What error  is it returning?



    • Keith Bawden

      Keith Bawden - 2005-08-15


      Yes there are ten test tickets. And here is the error message:

      Site Error

      An error was encountered while publishing this resource.

      Error Type: TypeError
      Error Value: int() argument must be a string or a number

      Regards, Bawdo2001


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