
#9 LXTask - System Info Tab


Hi Guys

I am loving LXTask, however while comparing it to other task mangers (specifically gnome-system-monitor) I found one thing lxtask is missing, that would improve it a lot.

I propose having another tab in lxtask (ie a notebook with two tabs in GTK speak) with a title like 'system summary', where lxtask would show you various information about your pc & system.

I have spent a little time on how you would capture these variables, and I found found using the files in /proc and then using GNU sed to filter out the specified info, is the best way, here are a few variables that i have found so far which I feel would be good for this new tab

Total Installed RAM :

cat /proc/meminfo | sed 1q | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/MemTotal://g' | sed 's/kB//g'

CPU Name & Speed:

cat /proc/cpuinfo | sed -n '/model name/p' | sed 's/model name\t: //g'

Kernel Version:

echo `uname -r`

Distribution Name:

cat /etc/*-release | sed -n '/DISTRIB_RELEASE/p' | sed 's/DISTRIB_RELEASE=//g'

Distribution Version:

cat /etc/*-release | sed 2q | sed 's/DISTRIB_ID=//g'

By capturing these variables like this, you could then present them in a way shown by the mockup image attached. (However with the memory reading, one note, you would have to find how many digits the memory had, and then decide what to display it in [kb, mb, gb] and then round appropriately)

Any thoughts? I really think this would be a good, not performance impacting enhancement for LXTask.

Cheers :-)


  • rugby471

    rugby471 - 2008-05-14


  • rugby471

    rugby471 - 2008-05-14

    System Tab of Mockup

  • rugby471

    rugby471 - 2008-05-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    File Added: system.png

  • rugby471

    rugby471 - 2008-05-14

    Tasks Tab of Mockup

  • rugby471

    rugby471 - 2008-05-14

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    File Added: tasks.png

  • rugby471

    rugby471 - 2008-05-14
    • labels: --> Interface Improvements (example)
    • milestone: --> Next Release (example)
  • DJan

    DJan - 2009-07-19

    Hm, I think it's not a bad idea, but I would put the info tab second, but that's a detail of course.

  • DJan

    DJan - 2009-07-20

    Hi again, I hacked a small patch for this together, however I "edited" your idea a little, feel free to share your thoughts, the new page for the patch is here:

  • rugby471

    rugby471 - 2009-07-21

    I submitted this a while ago, and while I am not using LXDE at the moment, I still think it would be a great addition. I trust that what you have done with the patch is going to be great, you don't need me to look at it :-)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It would be great. status this ticket?


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