
#183 lxdm-binary launches X with --no-listen tcp by default



Under Fedora 16 LXDE spin, lxdm always launch by default the X server with the "--no-listen tcp" argument, and there's no way to override such parameter.

I use some programs that make use of the X display, and I need X11 tcp port listening on the X server. I would like to keep using lxdm as it's the default login display manager used by the Fedora LXDE spin.

I've tried modifiying the /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf by including the following line under "[server]" section:

but it didn't work.

Please, could you help me on this?

Many thanks in advance.



  • dgod.osa

    dgod.osa - 2011-12-28

    lxdm not support xdmcp, do you need the xdmcp or other things?

    if you really need this option, you can compile the lxdm your self, just comment two line in lxdm.c.

  • jamontes

    jamontes - 2011-12-28

    Hi dgod,

    Thanks for the advice.

    I don't need xdmcp support (as far as I know, as it listens to UDP port 177). I just need X server (invoqued by lxdm-binary) listen to TCP ports 6000-6003 (depending of the vty launched).

    Right now lxdm-bynary invoques X server with the following args (I'm talking by memory):

    /usr/bin/X --no-background :0 vty1 --no-listen tcp

    But I just need lxdm-binary to invoque X server *without* the "--no-listen tcp".

    I've just workaroud the problem by using kdm (yes, I have to install the whole KDE DE), and telling it to listen the TCP port, at the same time I'm keeping the LXDE as prefered session. Now my server listens to TCP ports 6000-6003, and I can have LXDE at the same time I can launch from the old Netras (Sun Solaris servers) the legacy X application I use everyday for work with them (by exporting the DISPLAY env var, and permitting the application visualizing in my desktop with a xhosts + command locally executed), served by my LXDE DE.

    Belive me: for me it isn't the prefered solution (I would like to use lxdm, and if it is any solution different of modify the source code and compile it, I'll be glad to try it). I don't like to use an external xdm just to overcome (I think) a configuration problem, as it goes against the filosophy of LXDE (i.e. lightweight and simpliciness, but extremly fast and functional).

    Maybe I didn't explained myself before very well. If you understand now the problem and know a solution for this, it'll be very appreciated.

    Many thanks for all,


  • dgod.osa

    dgod.osa - 2011-12-29

    git version readd the tcp_listen option

  • jamontes

    jamontes - 2011-12-29

    Hi dgod,

    Thanks a lot for all your help and support. So, as the git versión re-includes the tcp_listen option again, I can do a couple of things:

    1) Download, compile and install the updated git version.
    2) Wait for a couple of weeks until the Fedora repo is updated with the new release.

    Am I right (especially with option 2)?

    Once the updated release is installed, I understand that I must keep configured the line "listen_tcp=1" under the "[server]" section of the /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf file, right?

    Many thanks for fix the problem. I'm quite sure that there's lot of people like me that will be very happy with this feature, as there's still a lot of legacy software running into production on very old unix servers.

    Is there any documentation about the options available at the config file? I've been searching on the internet but didn't find anything.

    Many thanks for all and best regards,


  • dgod.osa

    dgod.osa - 2011-12-29

    you should choose the
    1) Download, compile and install the updated git version.

    lxdm in fedora was keeped in 0.3 for a long time, likely the packager don't want to update the 0.4.

    and the config is tcp_listen not the listen_tcp


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