
Nothing in Manage Backup


    DA SILVA S - 2015-05-06


    Im using LB on my ubuntu to save an sql database on my Synology NAS... Everything works fine. But, when i schedule a backup nothing appear in Manage Backup despite the backup works fine whereas i use a manual backup i have my snapshot in Manage Backup...
    This is the same with LB Super-User.

    Could you help me ? Do you have an idea ?


  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2015-05-07

    Hi Da Silva,

    If I understood correctly, the backups run as scheduled (data is transferred) but there is no reference of them at the manage backup dialogue (list on the left) :

    this should not normally happen.

    Are you using "console mode" for your schedules ?
    Also, there should be a logfile that keeps info about the cronjob itself:
    Could you let me know of it's contents ?


    DA SILVA S - 2015-05-11


    This is the same in console mode.

    The cronjob logs :

    Loading profile /home/variation/.luckyBackup/profiles/default.profile

    * task name     : Photos
    * source            : /var/www/html/photos
    * destination           : /media/NASLKP/photos/photos/
    * This task is included
    * task name     : Doc_fichiers
    * source            : /var/www/html/doc_fichiers
    * destination           : /media/NASLKP/doc_fichiers/
    * This task is included
    * task name     : BASE_SQL
    * source            : /home/variation/backup
    * destination           : /media/NASLKP/backup/
    * This task is included
                ** Profile loaded successfuly ... **
                    Task list check 
    • Checking if the task list is empty... done
    • Checking if 2 connected tasks have been selected for execution... done
    • Checking if no task is included... done
    • Checking if 2 or more identical destination directories are declared
      & 'Backup dir contents' is checked... done

          ** Task list looks ok... **

    Directories check

            All data declared apear to be ok - You are ready to go !!
            (Have in mind that checks are not performed for remote data)
    [Ok]         ->  Photos
    Last execution time    : lundi 11 mai 2015 09:45:01 CEST (no errors)
    Source directory       : /var/www/html/photos
    Destination directory  : /media/NASLKP/photos/photos/
    [Ok]         ->  Doc_fichiers
    Last execution time    : lundi 11 mai 2015 09:45:01 CEST (no errors)
    Source directory       : /var/www/html/doc_fichiers
    Destination directory  : /media/NASLKP/doc_fichiers/
    [Ok]         ->  BASE_SQL
    Last execution time    : lundi 11 mai 2015 09:45:02 CEST (no errors)
    Source directory       : /home/variation/backup
    Destination directory  : /media/NASLKP/backup/
            luckybackup version 0.47 - command line mode 

    This application will (hopefully) sync and backup everything you need in no time
    (Well, it might take a little longer if run for the first time ;-)

    Executing tasks


    Now executing : Photos

    The process started successfully

    rsync exit code : 0
    rsync exit status : 0

    Backing-up profile, logfiles and snapshot data -> FAILED


     Now executing :  Doc_fichiers
    The process started successfully
    rsync exit code     : 0
    rsync exit status   : 0
     Backing-up profile, logfiles and snapshot data -> FAILED

    Now executing : BASE_SQL

    The process started successfully

    rsync exit code : 0
    rsync exit status : 0

    Backing-up profile, logfiles and snapshot data -> FAILED

            lundi 11 mai 2015 09:54:02 CEST
            Syncing and backing up is finished
            No errors found
    logfile(s) have been created under directory: /home/variation/.luckyBackup/logs/
            hope everything went ok ;-)


    trying to send an email
    . . .

    The specified command is probably not installed

    exit code: 0
    output: No such file or directory

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2015-05-11

    thank you for the feedback Da silva

    There are 2 possibilities here:
    1. Neither a logfile nor a reference at the manage backup dialog are created
    2. Only references at the manage backup dialog are missing. logfiles are created normally

    Please have a look at directory
    after a cronjob is supposed to have finished
    Is there a default-Photos-201505DDhhmmss.log file available ?
    Where DDhhmmss is "day of month" eg 11 and hhmmss is the time in hours-minutes-seconds that the job run.

    Could you also confirm that LB is NOT running when the scheduled job starts.
    The manage backup references are eventually part of the relevant .profile file (under directory ~/.luckyBackup/profiles/) and there could be a conflict when 2 (or more) instances of LB run at the same time.

    PS You may disable the email function (check the never box) if you don't need it to avoid relevant error messages:


    DA SILVA S - 2015-05-12

    It works !!
    LB must be close during a scheduled backup.

    Thank a lot


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