
LuckyBackup seems to be not working properly

  • Myles

    Myles - 2012-07-05

    I have had issues with LB previously when it wasn't backing up my data like I
    thought it was - my fault I should have checked. I gave LB another chance and
    was checking it it seems to have been working. I checked yesterday and found
    that my email (Thunderbird) and my documents have not been backed up since 13
    June - and don't backup - even though I have run LB since then. I ran it twice
    yesterday and again today. The most recent date on my email Inbox was 13th
    june 2012 and the latest document is also dated 13th June 2012! I also copied
    84 recipes into my recipes folder and they do not show up in my backup
    location either! Why is this happening? I backup to an external HDD. I just
    reran LB and no recipes and I checked the logs and no mention of them in there
    either! It now seems to have picked up my emails in the backup location as my
    Inbox has today's date and time of 12:06pm. But it seems to be completely
    ignoring my Docs folder,my Recipes folder and god knows what else - yes, my
    Downloads folder is also not up to date after changes made yesterday. This is
    incredibly frustrating.

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2012-07-05

    Hi Milo,

    Indeed, this behaviour is not normal and completely unacceptable.
    All new as well as changed data should get transfered fromthe source over to
    the destination (unless it is excluded).
    For sure somehting is to blame for that and we'll figure it out.

    Things to check first:

    1. Are there really NO transfers going on ?

    Try to add one more recipe file (eg recipe123.txt) to the source and then run
    the profile.
    Notice the "commands output window". Is something similar to the following
    lines visible ?

          2 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00  
          2 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=24/26)
    1. Do any errors appear at the commands output window ?
      If yes post them here.

    2. Is the backup location you are looking at, the correct place ?

    if your destination is eg /media/backups/ and the box "do NOT create extra
    directory" is NOT checked, then the backup location would be
    and not /media/backups/.
    If the "do NOT create extra directory" is checked then the backup location
    would be /media/backups/

    1. Have you used the exclude or include feature ?

    Is the "user defined" exclude list empty ?
    Is the include list empty ?
    Is the "only include" radio box" selected ?

    In case none of the above leads to a solution, could you email me the profile
    file (that would be located under your home directory:
    ~/.luckyBackup/profiles/PROFILENAME.profile) you are using at

    We'll figure it out...


  • Myles

    Myles - 2012-07-06

    Loukas, Thanks for the reply.
    This time certainly looks like a case of MEA CULPA!
    After having thought about it a bit - after running LB another couple of times
    this morning both failures - I decided to check something! Recently I bought a
    new, larger external HDD. I then changed the backup location in LB to point to
    the new location! And you know what date that change would have
    ocurred............the 13th June....the date on the most recent files in the
    What I SHOULD'NT have done when I did this is copy across the last backup data
    structure - I think that is where the problem lies!!!
    So once I discovered this, I renamed the original backup folder and created a
    new one and then re-ran LB. Well it took about 40 mins but it got everything
    so it seems!
    So, I will humbly retreat with my tail between my legs! I will monitor LB over
    the next week and report back on how it is performing and whether it gets
    everything that it should!
    Oh, and I will also read the Help doco so I can get my head around LB and
    configuring Snapshots.
    In answer to some of your questions though, no I don't configure Inclusions or
    Exclusions or anything like that I just took the defaults. I have changed the
    location definition since this morning's successful run so that LB will
    automatically (I hope) create a folder within my Backups folder for my home
    My humble apologies for casting possible aspertions on the software. Until
    last Friday, I worked in IT (now retired) , and it's always the damn users!

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2012-07-06

    There is really no need to blame yourself and moreover no need to apologize

    The good news is that this issue seems to be sorted out and that's all that

    If you notice anything weird during the monitor period please let me know so
    that I point out that it's the user's fault again

    I really wish you to enjoy your retirement Myles :)
    should you have any other questions, comments, suggestions or anything do not
    hesitate to let me know.


  • Myles

    Myles - 2012-07-09

    I certainly will. And yes I will enjoy my retirement - although it's only been
    one week so far!
    Although there are some errors in the logs that I wanted to ask about. Right
    near the start there is always this one:rsync: send_files failed to open "/home/myles/.rnd": Permission
    denied (13)

    32.77K 6% 410.26kB/s 0:00:01
    499.43K 100% 4.58MB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#3, to-check=34615/34636)}

    Is this anything to worry about?


  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2012-07-10

    The specific error means that you don't have enough permissions to read the
    file "/home/myles/.rnd", which is not very normal for a file in your home
    directory !!

    This can be confirmed by issuing the command:

    ls -l /home/myles/.rnd

    .rnd files are some kind of random hash files that seem to be generated by
    PuTTY or VMWare (ok, I google that)
    Also see:

  • Myles

    Myles - 2012-07-11

    That's odd, I don't have either of those installed on my system!
    Also the file seems to have been created by ROOT:

    {[myles@Bilbo ~]$ ls -l /home/myles/.rnd
    -rw------- 1 root root 1024 Jun  9 12:59 /home/myles/.rnd}

    Anyway, I think that I'll just ignore it and hope it'snot an important file!

  • Loukas Avgeriou

    Loukas Avgeriou - 2012-07-11

    ...I managed to find a better

    according to which an .rnd file is a...

    Random Seed File

    All cryptographically sound key generation schemes must have means to
    randomize the entropy seed used to initialize the internal pseudo-random
    number generator used by the OpenSSL library routines. If a site supports ssh,
    it is very likely that means to do this are already available. The entropy
    seed used by the OpenSSL library is contained in a file, usually called .rnd,
    which must be available when starting the ntp-keygen program or ntpd daemon.

    The OpenSSL library looks for the file using the path specified by the
    RANDFILE environment variable in the user home directory, whether root or some
    other user. If the RANDFILE environment variable is not present, the library
    looks for the .rnd file in the user home directory. Since both the ntp-keygen
    program and ntpd daemon must run as root, the logical place to put this file
    is in /.rnd or /root/.rnd. If the file is not available or cannot be written,
    the program exits with a message to the system log.

    Yes, I would ignore it too.
    You can even exclude it from the transfer so that it does not
    produce error messages

  • Myles

    Myles - 2012-07-12

    Thanks for that. As scary as it may seem I actually understand this expanation
    - I used to work in IT Securit many moons ago and had a bit of a play with
    OpenSSL,but that was under Windows though!
    Yeah, I'll add it to the exclude list.
    As for the monitoring, everythig is working the way it should. Thanks for LB,
    it really makes life easier now that I have it set up the way it should be -


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