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New tag

New QuincasMarket Tag in 6/11/2008

Posted by Diego 2008-11-05

Maven Struct

We are finishing a Maven2 QuincasMarket project,


Posted by Diego 2008-11-05

git Adoption

We will adopt git for controlling version for LOGames project.
For more information see:

Posted by Diego 2008-09-19

Maven Migration

Maven Project for Quincas Market is 90%.

Posted by Diego 2008-09-19

Added QuincasMarket Package

Added Package (Binary) of Quincas Market 1-0.
Requirementes: JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.4 o newer.
Web Browser With Java Plug-in.

Posted by Diego 2008-08-14

Added QuincasMarket1-0 Source

Added QuincasMarket Source based on Netbeans Project 6.0.
Note: This project has been compiled on Java 1.4 (Martin) and has compatibility with 1.5 (Tiger) and 1.6(Mustang).

Posted by Diego 2008-08-14

JUDE/Community Adoption

Adopted Jude/Community for UML Diagrams:
More about Jude see:

Posted by Diego 2008-08-14

Maven Adoption

We are working to set up Maven on QuincasMarkect project =)
More about Maven project
Read More:

Posted by Diego 2008-08-14