
Log@min / News: Recent posts

Impressive Optimizing achievable

Hi Folks,

just want to let you know, that I’ve tested and improved the Log@min Code and Query speed in the last 2 Months.

What did I do?

First of all, I’ve changed the underlying DBMS from MySQL 5.1 to MariaDB - 5.3.3 - rc. After reading the Project Documentation and Feature List I’ve decided to give it a try (especially the PBXT Storage Engine with MVCC Support :) Unfortunately there were some strange bugs during testing that storage engine which I couldn’t get fixed in the short testing period :/ So i switched all tables to aria and all was fine.... read more

Posted by Ronny Tiebel 2012-02-03

Optimization for MySQL Table Structure


ive just tested some queries and found out, that there are still some missing indices in the blacklist table (the joins on that table couldnt use any indices and are maybe slow)

So please add the follwing two indices on your blacklist table :)

CREATE INDEX expr on blacklist (expression(50));
CREATE INDEX tgt on blacklist (target(50));

If you have a lot of entrys which are even longer than 50chars so change that value for your purposes :)... read more

Posted by Ronny Tiebel 2011-04-07