
LiVT / Blog: Recent posts

changes/additions in LiVT

Changes since the previous version are as follows:

  • added tab item: Openness: computation of openness
  • added tab item: Histogram: computation of local histogram functions (incomplete)
  • added to Filter tab: Laplacian-of-Gaussian filter (sigma = radius/2)
  • changed in Filter tab: changed filter normalisation for Difference of Gaussian
  • added to tools menu: Convert raster file > GRD to BIL (for Surfer GRD ASCII files)... read more
Posted by Ralf 2013-11-15

LiVT 1_0_0_21 bug fix

In version 1_0_0_20, the inverse distance algorithm in the rasterise tool causes the program to crash in some cases. This bug was fixed in version 1_0_0_21.

By the way, I'm still looking for people who would like to help improving and expanding this software.

Posted by Ralf 2013-07-23