
Lives new user needs hints

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  • Salsaman

    Salsaman - 2009-06-08

    Which audio player are you using - jack or sox ?

    If the latter, you should switch to jack in Preferences/Playback.

  • Supervinx

    Supervinx - 2009-06-08

    If I make a selection into a clip, switch in multitrack mode (ctrl-m) and drag-'n'-drop it into a track, it plays a selection of the correct lenght but from the beginning ...
    After some moving, audio disappears and LiVES hangs ...

    Jack audio error cannot complete execution of the processing graph (Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)
    Jack audio error zombified - calling shutdown handler
    jack shutdown, setting client to 0 and jackd_died to true
    trying to reconnect right now
    unique name `LiVES_audio_out-01' assigned

    It's a jack problem ?

    • Salsaman

      Salsaman - 2009-06-08

      Let me check, it might be a bug.

  • Salsaman

    Salsaman - 2009-06-08

    Yes, seems to be a bug - audio in mutlitrack was only added last release, so there may still be some problems.

    Working on a fix now.

  • Supervinx

    Supervinx - 2009-06-08

    Opening an mpg file gets the same warning of the dv files ... not optimezed blah, blah blah ...
    And opening is SLOW (1.9 Gb file)

    In Preferences/Playback is set Jack ... and result is the same if I start Jack before LiVES ...

  • Supervinx

    Supervinx - 2009-06-08

    Why can't I import a selection in multitrack ?
    I select a time region in clip editor (e.g. 10 s, from 1.00 to 1.10), switch in Multitrack and I get a selection from 0.00 to 0.10 ...
    After some switching back and forth:
    audio disappears
    LiVES crashes ...

    Apply effects to regions also shows intermittent odd behaviour ...

    Hmm ... I'll end up being beta tester !

    • Salsaman

      Salsaman - 2009-06-08

      Yes I am finding the same thing - I must admit that inserting selections in multitrack has not been well tested with the new multitrack audio code.

      Do not worry I will get all the bugs resolved.

      Here is a patch to start you off, in multitrack.c, function insert_frames(),





  • Supervinx

    Supervinx - 2009-06-08

    Are you sure ?
    I applied the patch to src/multitrack.c

    make clean
    etc ...

    but the story is the same :-( selection starts from the beginning ...

    • Salsaman

      Salsaman - 2009-06-08

      Selection of audio or video ?

      What is the framerate of the original clip, and of the multitrack ?

  • Supervinx

    Supervinx - 2009-06-08

    In the clip window, I made an inner selection, both audio & video, dv file, 25 fps

    Multitrack defaults to 720x576 25 fps

  • Supervinx

    Supervinx - 2009-06-09

    Hi !
    I succeeded in compiling LiVES on a Notebook, Centrino Dual Core, Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 AMD64 ...
    It hasn' t been a breeze but that' s all ...
    I got only a message

    os.popen4 is deprecated
    use the subprocess module

    may be you need it ...

    Resolving all the dependencies was hard ... Jaunty isn't so stable ...
    I had 8.10 intrepid, but frei0r plugins were available only for 8.0 hardy and 9.10 jaunty :-(

    I'll test it thoroughly next days ...

    • Salsaman

      Salsaman - 2009-06-09

      Nice ;-)

      That message is fixed in CVS.

      Also in CVS I have fixed the selection problem you reported.

      There are various other fixes also in CVS. I would therefore advise you to try with the CVS version - also it would be useful if you could help test it.

      Right now CVS produces a lot of debugging output, but it is quite stable. The debugging output will be reduced over the coming days as the remaining issues (which should not affect you) are fixed.

      has instructions for building from CVS.

  • Rayve

    Rayve - 2009-10-06

    I know this is a few months old, but this topic shares a title with an issue
    I've been having. I just got LiVES (I did the whole ./configure, make, and
    make install commands as per the README, after having downloaded the stable
    version 1.0.3 from and while it looks great... I
    can't get any sound to work when I play a file - not even preview.

    My sound is working, I've tested with Rhythmbox, so it's just a LiVES issue.
    Even if I try to add audio to a video, a file I just played in Rbox will give
    me nothing in LiVES.

    At the bottom of LiVES, it says that it detects JACK (I downloaded everything
    I could through Synaptic) but then says it wasn't compiled with jack so some
    audio functions may be missing. Is this the issue? If so, how can I fix it?

    I am running Ubuntu 9.04, dual-booted on a main Windows machine. I have LiVES

    Thank you!

  • Rayve

    Rayve - 2009-10-06

    To add, here is what I see when I first start LiVES, in the bottom of the


    Succesfully loaded 50 Weed filters

    Loading default keymap from /home/candice/.lives-dir/default.keymap...done.

    Checking optional dependencies:mplayer...detected...convert...detected...compo

    xmms...NOT DETECTED...cdda2wav...NOT

    Window manager reports as "Metacity"; number of monitors detected: 1

    Temp directory is /host/LiVES/livestmp/

    WARNING - this version of LiVES was compiled without jack support.

    Many audio features will be unavalaible.

    Welcome to LiVES version 1.0.3.

    And from the command line:

    Nothing on start up, but I did show the following errors after having played
    with it a bit -

    Smogrify: Unable to stop process 32595.

    Smogrify: Unable to stop process 32595.

    Smogrify: Unable to stop process 32595.

    Smogrify: Unable to stop process 727.

    Smogrify: Unable to stop process 727.

    Smogrify: Unable to stop process 727.

    Smogrify: Unable to stop process 15157.

    Hope some of this helps track down the problem.

  • Salsaman

    Salsaman - 2009-10-06

    You need to compile with libjack-dev.

    You might find it easier with LiVES 1.1.3, since it supports pulseaudio.

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