
LIUS (Lucene Index Update and Search) / News: Recent posts

Lius-1.0 under Apache licence

Lius 1.0 use Lucene 2.1 and is distributed under Apache 2.0 licence

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2007-03-06

Lius SVN

Lius CVS has been replaced by SVN :

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2006-10-20

Lius-1.0-RC2 Release

Lius-1.0-RC2 is available for download.

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2006-10-14

Lius-1.0-RC1 release

La version 1.0 de Lius est maintenant disponible. Des modifications majeures ont été apportées à l'API, elle intègre la version 2.0 de Lucene.

Version 1.0 of Lius is now available. Major modifications were made to API. Update to Lucene 2.0

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2006-07-04

Lius-1.0 ender CVS

Lius 1.0 is ender CVS. There is a lot of difference between the 0.4 and the 1.0, please see the configuration file ender config directory and example java file ender samples directory in the source code.

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2005-11-11

Lius-0.4 (LGPL)

I added a new release of Lius. This version is ender LGPL Licence.
Thanks to all people how contribute to the development of this release.

Rida Benjellon.

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2005-11-11

Lius-devp mailing list

Une liste pour changer sur les futurs dveloppements et amliorations de Lius a t cre. La liste est public et vous permet de participer nos discutions sur les futures dveloppements.

A new lius developers mailing list has been created. This list is public and will allow you to share your ideas and your knowledge with us regarding to the new developments.

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2005-06-14

VCard (.vcf) Support added

An early implementation of VCard (.vcf and .vcard files) support has been added to LIUS (CVS).

Posted by Jens Fendler 2005-06-02

CVS Access

Lius v.0.3.3 has been commited to the sourceforge CVS server. However, due to some problems with our CVS clients we currently have the sources in CVS _twice_. Expect this to be fixed soon.

Posted by Jens Fendler 2005-06-02

Lius version 0.3.3


Un nouveau dveloppeur s'est join Lius. Merci Jens Fendler pour sa contribution "MP3Indexer"

A new developer has join Lius. Thanks to Jens Fendler for the "MP3Indexer" contribution.

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2005-05-22

Lius Version 0.3.2

La version 0.3.2 est maintenant disponible. Merci tous les d'utilisateur de Lius pour leurs
commentaires et leur suggestions.

The version 0.3.2 is actually available. Thanks to all Lius users for their comments and their suggestions.

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2005-05-13


The new version of lius adds new analyzers, boosting fields and document and fix some bugs

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2005-03-31

10-02-05 New package - LIUS v0.2.0

10-02-05 We release a new package of LIUS v0.2.0. The first one was incomplete due to a problem during the file tranfert on the server.

Posted by Rida Benjelloun 2005-02-10