
#72 jEdit display and application freezes with 2.14 preview

Nick Payne

With lilypondtool-2.14.20111117 installed, I get freezes and slowdowns in jEdit after a few minutes of working on an ly file. By this I mean, for example, that I can be inputting text and the display will stop updating and no longer show what is being input, and if I use the scrollbar on the edit window to scroll through the file, the text in the edit window does not scroll up and down to match the position of the scrollbar. Sometimes if I switch to another application for a minute or two and then return, jEdit will respond again, but usually I have to close it and open it to get response back.

If I close jEdit and copy the previous 2.12.932 LilyPondTool.jar over the top of the new version, then this problem does not happen.


  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2011-11-29

    What if you turn instant preview off? (In Plugin options > LilyPondTool > General)
    Which OS and java version are you running (see Help > About jEdit)?
    Can you see any errors in the Activity log (when the problem happens, see Utilities > Troubleshooting > Activity log)?
    Thank you,


  • Nick Payne

    Nick Payne - 2011-11-29

    jedit activity log

  • Nick Payne

    Nick Payne - 2011-11-29

    I had already experimented with disabling instant preview as part of troubleshooting the problem. Disabling it doesn't make any difference.

    I'm running jEdit 4.4.1 and Sun Java 1.6.0_26 on Ubuntu 10.04 amd64. I checked the activity log when jEdit stopped responding (had to load it into gedit because none of the jedit menus were responding) and found that there were about 700 lines in the log for the last second up to the freeze. I have attached the log.

    At the moment I've gone back to LilyPondTool 2.12.932 because the newer version really isn't usable on my system.

  • Bertalan Fodor

    Bertalan Fodor - 2011-12-05

    Thank you,

    the hangup instead is connected with what you sent in the log.
    This looks like a bug in jEdit core, but also caused by a bug in the LilyPondTool parser.
    I will fix the latter in the release and try to find a workaround for the jEdit issue.


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