
LillyTab / News: Recent posts

LillyTab 1.11 released

This is a minor release with few bugfixes and features:

  • new Stringer (toString framework) in cutil to enable custom element printers
    (useful to demangle autogenerated ontology IRIs)
  • Visitor patterns for LillyTab's term storage
  • OWLAPI loader improvements for datatypes
  • improved clash culprit tracking and improved dependency directed backtracking
  • initial (unoptimized) version of classification code to build concept trees.
  • TBox generation counting to speed up ontology load times
  • RBox and RABox cleanup
Posted by Peter Wullinger 2014-09-04 Labels: release

LillyTab 1.10 released

LillyTab v1.10 has been released

  • introduced support for incremental reasoning
    Reasoning after ABoxes changes only considered
    modified nodes, significantly speeding up common
    operations after the first consistency check for
    an initial ABox
  • bugfixes for datatype support
  • initial work at storing ABoxes back to OWLAPI
    (fully implemented only for SWRL rules, for now)
Posted by Peter Wullinger 2013-08-06

LillyTab 1.9

LillyTab 1.9 has been released.

  • tableau cleanup, stay closer to the original tableau description
  • remove buggy support for inverse roles
Posted by Peter Wullinger 2013-06-13

LillyTab 1.8

LillyTab 1.8 has been released.

  • datatype/individual nodes are now separated, as they are in the OWLAPI
  • fix a bug, that if a role and a subrole successor where both asserted,
    the successor would be returned twice by getSuccessors() and getSucessorsNodes()
  • a variety of other bugfixes

Supported logic remains at SHOIF(D)

Posted by Peter Wullinger 2013-04-12 Labels: release bugfix feature

LillyTab 1.7

LillyTab 1.7 has been released.

This is mainly a bugfix release without any significantly new features.

  • build system has been switched over to maven
  • fix a bug in RABox where certain combinations of asserted roles with role hierarchies could lead to successors being listed multiple times.
Posted by Peter Wullinger 2013-03-08 Labels: LillyTab 1.7

LillyTab R3

LillyTab R3 has been uploaded into subversion and to the download section.

Apart from the usual bug fixes, the following new features have been added:

  • Support for functional roles
  • Initial support for datatype nodes in ABoxNode
    (no data range storing and checking, yet)
  • Support for immutable ontology objects has been added

Additionally, some code parts (blocking) have been made more modular and javadoc has been extended and updated .

Posted by Peter Wullinger 2010-11-23