
libMesh: A C++ Finite Element Library / News: Recent posts


A number of enhancements are currently underway on the SVN branch to enable fully distributed meshes on parallel machines. During this effort a number of small bugs were found and have been fixed in this incremental release. This includes:

(1) improper sizing of the _send_list for
parallel jobs.
(2) PETSc interface fix to allow for
(n_elem < n_cpus).
(3) Correctly return a DistributedVector<> when
neither PETSc nor LASPACK are available.... read more

Posted by Benjamin S. Kirk 2007-12-01


libMesh version 0.6.1 is now available. This release contains a number of small enhancements and some bugfixes. Some of the new features include:

- PETSc 2.3.3 support
- write VTK-formatted files
- periodic boundary condition support
- input from GMV files
- more robust AdaptiveTimeSolver
- new EigenTimeSolver for FEMSystem analysis

The library has been tested on

o Linux with all recent gcc versions
o Linux with Intel versions 7.1 - 10.0
o Linux with Sun Studio 12
o IBM AIX 5.3 with xlC
o SGI IRIX with MIPSPro 7.4 compilers

Posted by Benjamin S. Kirk 2007-10-23


*Many* new features -- full list is forthcoming. Please test this on your platform and report any usability issues.

Posted by Benjamin S. Kirk 2007-02-08

Reading in adapted grids/solutions

It's now possible to write out/read in solutions on adapted grids in LibMesh. This effectively allows for "checkpointing" of solutions and enhances LibMesh's existing restart capabilities.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-08-25

libMesh wiki

By popular demand libMesh now has a wiki. Check out and share your knowledge!

Posted by Benjamin S. Kirk 2005-06-24

Support for 1D problems added to libMesh

You can now solve 1D problems in LibMesh using substantially similar code as in 2D and 3D problems. There is also support for GNUplot output for 1D problems. Thanks to new developer D. Knezevic for this code.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-06-11

libMesh-0.5.0 released!

The latest (hopefully) stable version of libMesh, 0.5.0, has been released. This release includes many new features, so check it out today!

Posted by John Peterson 2005-06-11

libmesh-0.5.0 Coming Soon!

The release candidates are flying fast and furious, and version 0.5.0 should be out soon. This will likely serve as a stable API and code base for some time to come, with bleeding edge changes available from CVS as usual.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-06-09

TetGen Now Distributed with LibMesh

The tetrahedral mesh generation library known as TetGen is now distributed with LibMesh. Thanks to the work of Steffen and others, the process of meshing complex 3D geometries can be handled dynamically within LibMesh itself rather than requiring an additional mesh generation step using external software libraries.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-05-12

Mac OSX support

Uni-processor (no mpich/no PETSc) support for building shared libraries with g++ under Mac OSX has been added to LibMesh.

Multi-processor (mpich+PETSc) support for building __static__ libraries under Mac OSX has been added as well. At this time, libtool will not create libparmetis.dylib due to some issues with the mpich implementation.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-05-12

PETSc 2.3.0 Support Added

The 2.3.0 version of the PETSc library included many changes to the Vec and Mat interface functions which we use extensively in libmesh. Ben has now completed and checked in support for this new version of PETSc.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-05-06

Future LibMesh Developers

This news is a little late, but two of our developers have recently become fathers! Congrats guys and remember it is never to early to start learning C++ ;)

Posted by John Peterson 2005-05-02

SLEPc 2.2.1 support added to LibMesh

Support for SLEPc, an EigenValue solver which works in conjunction with PETSc, has been added to LibMesh by S. Petersen. A new example (ex16) has also been added which shows how to use the new features.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-05-02

Support for Triangle added to LibMesh

Initial support for generating two-dimensional Delaunay triangulations of rectangular regions via the Triangle library has been added to LibMesh.

Posted by John Peterson 2005-05-02

libmesh-0.4.3-rc2 released!

libMesh 0.4.3-rc2 is now available. This release fixes several bugs and improves support for a number of platforms.

This release has been tested on a number of platforms. Please report any usability issues so that they may be addressed in libMesh 0.4.3.

Posted by John Peterson 2004-10-26