
#24 Support for Short Buffered Images


Current version 1.2.0 does support only 8 bit and 32 bit jpeg images,,, can you kindly add support for 16 bit, Short Gray Scale is widely used in medical Images (DICOM)...


  • DRC

    DRC - 2012-04-03

    To be clear, libjpeg-turbo only really supports 8-bit JPEG images. When you say "32-bit", you're referring to the input or output RGB colorspace, which still has only 8 bits per component. When decoding a grayscale JPEG to a 32-bit colorspace, libjpeg-turbo simply duplicates the luminance component into the red, green, and blue channels. Similarly, when encoding a grayscale JPEG from a 32-bit colorspace, libjpeg-turbo computes the 8-bit luminance from the red, green, and blue and throws out the chrominance.

    Since the JPEG standard cannot accommodate 16 bits per component, short grayscale input/output has to be stored as a 12-bit JPEG, which causes additional data loss, over and above the regular quantization loss that occurs as a matter of course when encoding an image using the JPEG format. libjpeg can't support 8-bit and 12-bit components simultaneously, because the bits per component is hard-coded. Further, libjpeg-turbo offers no performance advantages over libjpeg when handling 12-bit JPEG images. Thus, we've never bothered to make it build properly when BITS_IN_SAMPLE=12.

    It would be possible to fix the build issues and add necessary unit tests for 12-bit encoding/decoding, but the resulting build of libjpeg-turbo would have absolutely no advantages relative to libjpeg. Specifically, it would perform the same, and it would not have the higher-level TurboJPEG API (that API assumes 8-bit in too many places to make it feasible to develop a 12-bit version of it.) So, traditionally, my opinion on it has been "why not just use libjpeg for 12-bit?" If someone stepped forward to specifically fund 12-bit support in libjpeg-turbo, then I'm happy to fix the build, add a configure/CMake switch for it, add regression tests, etc., but it won't happen without specific project funding.

  • DRC

    DRC - 2014-08-09

    Full support for 12-bit JPEG has been checked into trunk. You can enable it by passing --with-12bit to configure (Unix) or -DWITH_12BIT to cmake (Windows.) Note that enabling 12-bit support disables a lot of things:

    -- Arithmetic coding is disabled (12-bit support requires multi-pass entropy encoding, which is not compatible with arithmetic coding)
    -- The SIMD extensions are disabled (our SIMD code assumes 8-bit components)
    -- The TurboJPEG API wrappers are disabled (TurboJPEG assumes 8-bit components)
    -- BMP and TGA support in cjpeg and djpeg are disabled (those file formats assume 8-bit components)

    The performance of the library in this configuration is identical to libjpeg v6b, if the latter was built with BITS_IN_JSAMPLE=12. However, the libjpeg-turbo version still has the libjpeg-turbo colorspace extensions and support for additional decompression scaling factors. Although 12-bit support still requires a separate build, since it has been made into a configurable option, it is now possible to build both an 8-bit and a 12-bit version within the same source tree without modifying the source.

  • DRC

    DRC - 2014-08-09
    • status: open --> closed-implemented

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