
Tree [cc46d8] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 CMake 2012-05-18 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [e4cd91] Doxygen using CMake
 include 2013-01-28 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [a948fa] repair git-merge bug
 lib 2014-09-22 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [58af55] B. Ouharrou, G Terre: Repair Gauss weighting fa...
 AUTHORS 2004-06-14 gerber gerber [b0f09c] Added image processing module, gpivrc moved to ...
 CMakeLists.txt 2013-01-26 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [d3a25b] Merge ../libgpiv-omp into fft-omp
 COPYING 2002-12-03 gerber gerber [24259f] init repository
 ChangeLog 2014-09-29 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [cc46d8] Updated Changelog
 ChangeLog.1.gz 2009-03-16 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [12b2e1] Added support for reading ppm image format. Ima... 2012-05-18 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [e4cd91] Doxygen using CMake
 INSTALL 2002-12-03 gerber gerber [d143f0] init repository
 NEWS 2008-03-27 gerber gerber [891540] Removed NONREQUIRED macro to include comments i...
 README 2007-12-19 gerber gerber [0a99c3] debugged 2008-11-13 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [bdd214] included docs generated by doxygen in Autotools...
 bootstrap 2014-09-22 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [58af55] B. Ouharrou, G Terre: Repair Gauss weighting fa... 2012-05-18 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [e4cd91] Doxygen using CMake 2012-05-18 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [e4cd91] Doxygen using CMake 2012-05-18 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [e4cd91] Doxygen using CMake
 files.cmake 2013-03-05 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [d53a24] Renamed lib/imgproc*.c to lib/imageproc*.c
 gpiv.conf 2011-04-02 Gerber van der Graaf Gerber van der Graaf [a5088a] added read/write_(f)bindata()

Read Me



LIBGPIV is a software library for the so-called Digital Particle Image
Velocimetry (DPIV). It consists the core functions for image
recording, image processing, image interrogation (resulting into
estimators of particle image displacements, i.e. PIV data), validation
of PIV data (on peak-locking effects, erroneous vectors (outliers),
checking on velocity gradient), post-processing (functions for
calculating (scalar) derivatives of the PIV data, like vorticity and
strain), input/output functions, memory allocation etc.

The library has been implemented in several command-line driven
programs that can be found in the GPIVTOOLS distribution. A Graphic
User Interface (GPIV) is available that controls all processes
and parameters and displays its results graphically in a more
advanced way. GPIV has been implemented with the GTK/GNOME libraries
and resides in GPIV distribution. PyGpiv is a Python module wrapped 
from this library for writing your own scripts. 

The library has been written in ANSI-C and have been developed on a
GNU/LINUX box and should work on any UNIX-like system.
The main web page can be found at:


LIBGPIV is Free Software licensed under the GNU
Public license terms. See the COPYING file for the license.


See INSTALL for a more extended description.

The following libraries are needed to build this library:
- fftw and (rfftw) library for Fast Fourier Transformation 
- Perl, version 5.005_03 or newer
- hdf5 library
- gslcblas library
- gsl library
- Gnuplot

Unpacking and compilation:
gzip -d gpiv-0.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf gpiv-0.2.tar
make: to build the library and tools
make install
make uninstall: removes installed files and directries that have been

There are also pre-compiled (.deb) packages available that eases the

Libgpiv uses g_get_tmp_dir () from the Glib library to obtain the tmp
directory. Therefore, set TMPDIR, TMP or TEMP to your local temporary
directory. For bash shell: export TMPDIR="/home/my_user_derectory/tmp".
Else, the system-wide /tmp directory will be used.

The configuration for the parameters is found in /etc/gpiv.conf. If
absent, hard-coded default values will be used.


I hope that the programs will work fine (cross your fingers) and that
you'll enjoy it. Remarks, suggestions **and patches** for 
improvements/additions are welcome.

Gerber van der Graaf