
Application Print Services Library / News: Recent posts

New version of libaps coming

Xandros has acquired Corel Linux and we are continuing to use libaps in our Linux distribution. We plan to update the libaps SourceForge CVS with our latest changes when it is completed this spring. If anyone wants access to the code before that, contact me and we may be able to accomodate you.

Posted by Jeff Tranter 2002-03-22

All Application Print Services documentation now online

All libaps documentation, both external (API) and internal (information for developers working on project), is now viewable online. Previously, much of this documentation was only included in the source package, which had to be downloaded in order to view this documentation.

The most up-to-date documentation can now always be found at:

Posted by Brian Pirie 2000-04-13

"libaps" Project Introduction

Welcome to the application print services library project!

We invite you to visit our project home page ( to find out more about what this library does.

Please also join us in our SourceForge discussion forums to pass on your thoughts or suggestions regarding this project. We're also very interested in talking about other ideas you have as to how we can all improve the printing experience for the end user on Linux.... read more

Posted by Brian Pirie 2000-02-12