
#319 Screen reader accessibility

Craig Brett

I stumbled across Launchy recently and after having it recommended to me, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm a visually impaired Windows user who uses the NVDA screen reader and the Windows Magnifyer to help with things.

So far, I like the potential Launchy's offering me. I can currently with ease bring up launchy, type the start of something and go! But from reading the readme and exploring with the magnifyer, there's a lot a screen reader only user would be missing out on. Not to mention that I'm slower with a magnifyer than a screen reader. So, if Launchy was screen reader accessible it would be a great help to me and doubtless others.

The bits that are inaccessible are:

  • The main Launchy window reads the path to the Launchy exe and not much else when you bring it up. The textbox doesn't interact with AT and the suggestions aren't read out when you arrow through them. Also, some indication of what command you've accepted when you press tab to put in some arguments would be a nice touch.
  • The Launchy context menu from the tray icon doesn't get read by screen readers either.
  • The options window is almost entirely inaccessible. Oddly, some labels get read, but not the control you're actually on and sometimes the labels don't relate.

I'd really appreciate something being done for this. I know QT has some accessibility gubbins that exposes stuff to MSAA. That would be great.

And thank you for Launchy!


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