godprobe - 2013-10-28

Hello -- I don't know if this is actually possible with a plugin, but I've always wanted a BPM (beats per minute) plugin for Launchy and I figure it can't hurt to ask.

The way I imagine it is that it uses the Backspace key to tap the beat, and the BPM readout shows up where the application name normally be.

I'm hoping for the Backspace key for a few reasons:
- Many BPM apps use the spacebar, and I've always felt that it was inaccurate because of the typical size of a spacebar. A smaller key would be a more reliable trigger for better precision.
- Backspace wouldn't type any characters, so as long as backspace is being pressed, and there are no other characters in the typing area, the user is probably looking for BPM.
- The last reason is selfish; my shortcut keystroke for Launchy is Shift-Backspace, so Backspace would just let me be that much more efficient (or lazy, whatever! :D).

I imagine it might be easier to code a BPM plugin with the Spacebar though, and that would be better than nothing.

Thank you for reading!