
Online Last.FM Player / News: Recent posts

Work started on version 2

Version 2 development has started slowly. It will be a complete rewrite to make the code more manageable and we may be able to integrate the player in some form of community. It will also feature better AJAX as the last one didnt work on some system I tested it on, but perfectly on others.

Look out for version 2 releases soon and keep rocking.

Posted by lotrgamemast 2006-06-30

Online Last.FM Player Released

The Online Last.FM Player is the first of its kind and allows you to play any Last.FM radio via the internet, using just your web browser. It is intended for use where you can't install the Last.FM player and can't download the non-install version either. For example this could be used at school, at work or at an internet cafe; basicaly it can be used where ever you are in the world.

You can download it on the projects website.

Posted by lotrgamemast 2005-12-14