
KTX / News: Recent posts

KTX 1.34 released

Instagib, yawnmode, teamoverlay, and many other new things are available in this release. Check the release notes and changelog for more information.

Posted by deurk 2007-10-30

New KTX 1.34 Beta files uploaded

A little inattention led us to release a version without the correct version number... so code hasn't change, but now files display correct version number.

Sorry for that :)

Posted by deurk 2007-07-20

KTX 1.34 Beta (rev.417) released!

Generated from current svn code. Testers, please report any bugs you find so we can make it a stable release :)

Posted by deurk 2007-07-18

KTX version 1.33 released!

Old file, but had to be on the page.

Posted by deurk 2007-07-18

KTX subversion repository available

Project files have now been moved from mvdsv's cvs to ktx svn. We kept the history, svn now starts at revision 415 :)

Posted by deurk 2007-07-18

KTX's project space created

ktx, which has long been a subtree of mvdsv's project page is now moving to it's own page.

Trackers and forums will allow more bug fixing and administration help for ktx users.

Posted by deurk 2007-07-17