
Browse button and Preview view

  • geckonapper

    geckonapper - 2009-04-02

    Does anyone know if it is possible to change which browser opens when I click the Browse button, without changing the default browser for the PC?

    Similarly, when I click the Preview tab at the bottom of the KompoZer window, is there any way to configure the view that I see?  For example, when I click the Preview tab for the the page I'm editing, it does not look like it looks when I open the page in Firefox; it looks kind of like it looks when I open the page in Internet Explorer.  It would be nice to have some configuration control over this.


    • TexTech

      TexTech - 2009-04-03

      I agree. A terrific suggestion. Let me expand your request: Let the Browse button bring up a menu to select the browser on your computer that you want to view the current page in.  So, there would have to be configuration options for that menu.  I want to be able to see my page in IE, FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, and whatever else browser I might have in the future.

      Regarding the Preview tab at the bottom, I do not know what code it uses to render a page, so maybe be having a different tab for each type of browser is not possible, but there is plenty of room for extra tabs.  Come to think of it, I wonder if those tabs can be located elsewhere, so as to regain a little bit of screen real estate?


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