
#529 Changing media type for stylesheet difficult.

CSS editor (36)

It is very difficult and non-intuitive to change the media type for a CSS file. The only reliable method seems to be:

1. Ensure that the HTML file has more than one stylesheet and that the one involved is not first on the list
2. Expand the stylesheet to be changed
3. Make a change to a rule
4. Make the required change in the 'Media List' box
5. Move the stylesheet up in the priority list
6. Make a change to the HTML
7. Save the file

Steps3 and 7 ensure that both HTML and CSS file will be saved. After that go back and restore any made changes at steps 3 and 5 that you would have preferred not to make.
The problem was inherited from Nvu so is not high priority to fix.


  • Fabien Cazenave (kaze)

    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Fabien Cazenave (kaze)

    This should be quite easy to fix.
    A related feature request would be to have a modifiable drop-down list to select media types.

    -- kazé


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