
#528 KompoZer window asserts itself to foreground


Using Windows XP - When KompoZer is open but not in the foreground if you track the mouse cursor from the taskbar or any place on the desktop attempting to access another application, which might be in the foreground, and if the track crosses parts of the KompoZer window, KompoZer jumps to the foreground. Sometimes this can make other applications almost inaccessible. The parts of the KompoZer window involved seem to be associated with the status bar.


  • Fabien Cazenave (kaze)

    • priority: 5 --> 6
  • Fabien Cazenave (kaze)

    Confirmed. This one is tricky.

    This is a consequence of a new feature that has been implemented in KompoZer 0.8: when hovering the status bar, KompoZer highlights the corresponding element in the main window, but I couldn’t find how to prevent the KompoZer window to jump to the foreground.

    My window manager (i3 on Linux) isn’t affected by this bug, but I admit this is *very* annoying when using a common window manager. If this bug can’t be solved, this feature will be disabled. :-(

    -- kazé


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