
2 Problems configuring kile

  • Pyrates

    Pyrates - 2005-04-25

    Hi there!

    I have 2 problems with configuring kile, maybe someone can help me :)

    1) Kile doesn't find aspell. I don't know why (there's no usefull error message), and I don't know how to configure that as in configure the path and options or so... I'm not using KDE, but I started the control center. I didn't find any other option than the ones in kile, so it was of no use to me...

    2) I'd like to make the editor use emacs-style keybindings, that's what I'm used to. Works ok so far, but when it comes to keybindings with more than one key, things don't work. E.g. I want save on "Ctrl-X,S" (that is, you hold Ctrl pressed and then push X and S one after another). When I input that combo into the key dialog in kile (I activated that "multikey" option for sure), it seems happy, but when I try to use that, it executes the action bound to "Ctrl-X" first, and then ... something, I'm not sure. Does anybody know how to do that stuff?

    I'd be really grateful for any help, I just discovered kile after using emacs and auctex for 4 years, and it looks really fine, is even faster. I'd just like my old keybindings back ;)


    P.S.: Of course, I'd provide more information as neccessary. I'm on a gentoo system and on a Suse system (dunno which version, but pretty recent).

    • Jeroen Wijnhout

      Jeroen Wijnhout - 2005-05-01

      ad 1) Can you at least give the not so useful error message? It could be that you need to have the aspell development package installed.

      ad 2) This is not possible without changing the editor component. However you can choose multi-key mode for the shortcut and choose: Ctrl+X+S.


    • Pyrates

      Pyrates - 2005-05-02

      Hey Jeroen, thanks for answering :) I'll check out what to do about the keys, thanks for clearing that up.

      As for the error message, there was just a popup window that said "(A)Ispell could not be started". Funky enough, now it's working, maybe the admins did change something. I'll probably ask them next time first :)

      Thanks anyway, I have a new problem, but I'll start a new thread for that. Cheers


      • Hsuan-Yeh, Chang


        I am running Mandriva LE 2005. The (a)spell check also doesn't work on my Kile (both Kile 1.7.1 and 1.8.1). It shows the same error message: " I(a)spell could not be started." Can you post a detailed solution to this problem? Thanks!

    • Pyrates

      Pyrates - 2005-05-06

      Darn, I'm stupid. It's working here at my office, but at my home comp it doesn't. I don't have internet access there for now, so it's kinda hard to check stuff and then post ist G

      Now, all I have is that popup window. I KNOW I have one of ispell or aspell installed. I't s gentoo box, so there should be no need to install development packages. How can I check the exact requirements for using the spell checker?



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