
RFE: hide \footnote{}

  • Lorenz Haas

    Lorenz Haas - 2004-11-09


    at first: I don't know where to leave my RFE, because the RFE at SF seems to be not very active. So I guess, here at the forum it will also be read.

    I write texts with a lot of \footnote{}'s and \footcite{}'s, and they are often be very long. (I guess hundrets of humanities do so, too) The point is, that the text is then unreadable. The best were, if you could hide all the stuff, like you can do with \begin...\end.... And for the \footnote or \footcite should be a icon or something else be displayed.

    Hope you can take this at your TODO-list.

    • Jeroen Wijnhout

      Jeroen Wijnhout - 2004-11-09


      Usually is used for feature requests (Help->Report Bug in Kile). This is ok too, but changes are I forget about it.

      Technically it is not so easy to collapse footnotes, since typically they do not start at the beginning of a line. Of course, you probably do not care about that, but it is important for me ;-)

      That said the best solution is to stop using footnotes, especially long ones. Seriously, footnotes are distracting. They are a relic of ancient times when reprinting a book (letter by letter) was very expensive and time consuming.
      Kill the footnotes!!! Ok, I'm getting carried away now. I've once seen a footnote of more than a page long, go figure.

      If you insist on using footnotes, then you can (if you must) use %BEGIN and %END like this
      long long story about some relevant fact that should have
      been in the main text
      It is important that the %BEGIN and %END are the first thing to appear on a line. This should work for kile-1.7.1.


    • Lorenz Haas

      Lorenz Haas - 2004-11-11


      > Technically it is not so easy to collapse footnotes, since typically they do not start at the beginning of a line. Of course, you probably do not care about that, but it is important for me ;-)

      Well, of course it is not easy, but i thougt that this would be possible, because the starting and ending bracket is higlited and so also known. But i really have not thougt, that at this time only hohle rows could be hidden.

      The main problem is not the lenght of a footnote. But I have at one page at least 10 to 15 footnotes. And that is really necessary! They are not long, normally only one ore two bookcitations. But the source you could badly read.

      But thats OK, and i will not die! (hope so) And if I should have very long footnotes I'll use %BEGIN.



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