
Howto use biblatex in Kile

  • kernie23

    kernie23 - 2013-07-31


    according to the changelog of Kile the support for biblatex is implemented.

    However, I cannot succeed in using it in the way I could use Bibtex (automatic call of bibtex after pdflatex execution).

    My environment is:
    Qt: 4.8.5
    KDE Development Platform: 4.10.5 "release 4"
    Kile: 2.1.3
    Texlive: 2012 and the development version 2013

    I have following MWE:

    % \usepackage[citestyle=authoryear,backend=biber]{biblatex}


    and the biblatex.bib file is:

    author = {Gozani, T.},
    journal = {Nukleonik},
    year = {1962}

    I first tried the PDFLatex compile button, which results in:
    Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run BibTeX on the file(s):
    (biblatex) MWE
    (biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.

    Then I changed the Configuration setting in Settings -> Configure Kile -> Tools -> Build -> Bibtex from Default to 8bit Version. Same result as before.

    Several discussions in the web report an Biblatex item in the Build tool list, or even in the Configuration list mentioned before. Haven't seen it.

    Latest attempt was recompiling latest Kile from the master tree with reinitilized settings. Same result.

    Can somebody help me to correctly use biblatex within Kile?

    Thank you,

  • wulfgang-clan

    wulfgang-clan - 2015-08-12

    You need to add a BibLaTeX tool which calls the biber command. Make sure you use the biber tool to build your bibliography, and not the BibTeX tool (QuickBuild is by default configured to use BibTeX, you might want to adjust that).

    See also this guideline for how to set up Kile with biber:

    Also, you might want to add the following command to your MWE:


    This will trick Kile into reading your biblatex.bib and providing you suggestions for auto-complete when you use \cite.


    Last edit: wulfgang-clan 2015-08-12

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