
Compile and close pdf viewer

  • Telmo Lequerica

    Telmo Lequerica - 2010-11-16

    Hi everybody,

    I'm a newbie using Kile and here is my deal. I want to compile and open pdf.
    This is done via QuickBuild, but the point then is that, once I've done some
    changes on the .tex and then compile I dont want to have again a new pdf
    opened, but just the previous one refreshed or something like it
    possible?? I'm using Skim as pdf viewer, but if any other works better I dont
    mind to use it. Is there any problem working with Mac'?

    thanks in advance,


  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2010-11-16

    I am annoyed by the same behavior but I haven't found a solution. One needs to
    keep track of the session you just opened in your pdf viewer, the close the
    current document before opening the new one. Maybe with some script this could
    be achieved, but I haven't tried. Please let us know if you find a solution.



  • matifou

    matifou - 2010-12-12


    I was about to write a forum topic... exactly about this problem! It would be
    indeed very nice if it would refresh, pr just remove the older file! I end up
    with more than 10 pdf open, not knowing which is th emost recent... annoying!

    Any solution found in the meanwhile?


  • Faraz

    Faraz - 2010-12-12

    I don't know about Mac. But in ubuntu, I've set the ViewPDF and QuickBuild to
    use evince (default gnome pdf viewer) and I have no such problem. Every time I
    use Quickbuild, the same PDF window is refreshed automatically.

    I know that there is a windows version of evince. I bet there must be a mac
    version as well.

    Good luck.

  • matifou

    matifou - 2010-12-12

    Oh nice!! I had no thought of this!

    So now it works fine, great! Just a little bit sad to leave Okular, but still
    so more convenient!

    Thanks for your quick answer!


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