
Welcome to Help

  • Guillermo Amat Gomariz

    Welcome to Help

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-01-24

    Any chances to have a package for Mandriva 2011?

  • Guillermo Amat Gomariz

    I'm sorry but I'm not supporting Kfilebox currently. Last version was packaged for Mandriva 2010.1.


  • Neophytos

    Neophytos - 2012-02-27


    Am the maintainer of kfilebox for Chakra. Am trying to understand the issue reported by users in this thread but have no idea how to troubleshoot it.

    This is the PKGBUILD I am currently using to build and install kfilebox.

    Do you have any idea on what might be causing this on their systems?

    Thank you very much for kfilebox and your time spend on this.

  • Neophytos

    Neophytos - 2012-02-27

    Ignore my earlier post, seems the issue was some old configuration files.

  • Guillermo Amat Gomariz


  • Neophytos

    Neophytos - 2012-03-04

    It's me bumping this again. On the same thread I pasted above, the user has issues when kfilebox is set to autostart in KDE. With that option on, kfilebox starts, but is unable to Start Dropbox. If he disables that, he can start it fine this way.

    Btw let me know if I should open a separate thread.

  • Neophytos

    Neophytos - 2012-03-21

    Make install fails here for 0.4.9, saying it has nothing to do. Comparing to the makefile of the 0.4.8 version, seems the "install:" line is empty and only has FORCE.
    Can you please share some light on this? Thank you!


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