
help wanted for translations (i18n)

KDelicious needs help translating the user interface. As of today, the menu added to Konqueror is available in several languages (fr,de,nn,nb,it,es), but the dialogs are all in english. If you like KDelicious and want to make a difference (and get your name in the CREDITS), keep reading!

KDelicious uses the standard KDE tools for i18n, that is, .pot and .po files manipulated with gettext tools like KBabel. If you have KBabel installed, it's as easy as downloading the kdelicious.pot file, renaming it as the new language .po (for example "fr.po" ), and then opening it with KBabel. Then you can just select the messages and enter the translation in the "Translated String" box. Once it's done, save it and send it to me.
Here's the .pot file you need:\*checkout*/kdelicious/trunk/po/kdelicious.pot

Thanks a lot!

Posted by Giacomo Lacava 2008-01-14

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