
Kadet Server / News: Recent posts

Kadet Postponed

The Kadet Server development is currently postponed. The author is now concentrating on the Qu Programming Language which will be the language used to develop the next Kadet.

Posted by Marc K. 2004-09-17

Kadet 2.09d released

Kadet is a powerful multipurpose multithreaded highly extensible
secure server engine. Kadet is designed to run any number of
protocols, not just HTTP (although it is currently the only
available module). It's 'undedicated thread' model makes it fast
and stable even when serving thousand of clients at the same time.
With the KISS principle, it's main goal is to provide developers
with a server framework which is easy to develop yet powerful.
Kadet is equipped with an extensive set of library including a
built-in compiler and interpreter. Configuration is easy and
extensible via external modules. The latest version 2.09d has
a lot of improvements especially the interpreter. Now arrays,
hashes, nested and recursive function call, references, while,
loop, OOP syntax, etc. are all there!

Posted by Marc K. 2003-02-10

Kadet 2.09b released

Kadet is a powerful multipurpose multithreaded highly extensible secure server engine. Kadet is designed to run any number of protocols, not just HTTP (although it is currently the only available module). It's 'undedicated thread' model makes it fast and stable even when serving thousand of clients at the same time. With the KISS principle, it's main goal is to provide developers with a server framework which is easy to develop yet powerful. Kadet is equipped with an extensive set of library including a built-in compiler and interpreter. Configuration is easy and extensible via external modules. The latest version 2.09b Beta seems to be the candidate for the stable version 2.10.

Posted by Marc K. 2002-11-18

Kadet 2.08b released

Kadet is a multipurpose multithreaded extensible server. Please give it a try. It is a nice piece of software. 2.08b is probably the last Beta version. The next version will hopefully be a stable version. So far so good :-)

Posted by Marc K. 2002-11-13

Kadet 2.07b released

Kadet 2.07b has been released. This is a candidate for the last beta version. The stable version will be released in the near future. A lot of efforts has been done to make development of external modules easier and simpler. Some new modules have been added as examples. New installation with sample pages have been provided. SSL, login, etc. work fine. Tests on other unix platforms have been done but will probably be released with the stable version.

Posted by Marc K. 2002-11-09

Beta version released

Finally the Beta version is out!
If you are having problem with SSL that is because there is
a small thing in network.c that I forgot to change. It will be fixed in the next release 2.05. Everything else works :-)

Posted by Marc K. 2002-10-28

Kadet alpha version released

The alpha version has been released!
The http_server module runs at a great speed. It supports
byte-range, chunked, keep-alive, etc.
Try it!

Posted by Marc K. 2002-01-15