
#57 ResultSet getDate & getTimestamp

Other (154)

The ResultSet's getDate method from AbstractResultSet
class should normalize the hours, minutes, seconds
and milliseconds for the date value catched from the

Look at this example:
The two examples had been extracted of the same
column and register of a table.

The original value of the register is:
2003-02-28 :13:55:00.0

1 - Using getDate(1) and java.sql.Date:
toString() brings up: 2003-02-28
getTime() brings up: 1046401200000

2 - Using getTimestamp(1) and java.sql.Timestamp:
toString() brings up: 2003-02-28 13:55:00.0
getTime() brings up: 1046451300000

The long values from getTime method had been equal,
something that would not have to happen, since the
specification says that the values(hours, minutes,
seconds and milliseconds) must be normalized the zero.

I made the same test with Oracle and Oracle Thin Driver
and the long values were differents.

I have seen the source code for a while and at getDate
method in AbstractResultSet class I saw the following
stretch of code:

public java.sql.Date getDate(int index) throws

SQLException {
java.sql.Date result = null;
java.sql.Timestamp tmp = getTimestamp(index);

    if( tmp != null )
        result = new java.sql.Date(tmp.getTime());
    return result;


  • bruno c borges

    bruno c borges - 2003-02-27

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, I copied thoses lines from Oracle output. Here is the
    output when using jTDS Driver with SQL Server 7

    1 - Using getDate(1) and java.sql.Date:
    toString() brings up: 2003-02-28
    getTime() brings up: 1046451300000

    2 - Using getTimestamp(1) and java.sql.Timestamp:
    toString() brings up: 2003-02-28 13:55:00.0
    getTime() brings up: 1046451300000

  • bruno c borges

    bruno c borges - 2003-02-28

    Logged In: YES

    Looks like the same problem occurs when using getTime()
    method. The YEAR, MONTH and DAY_OF_MONTH from the
    value of column should be normalized to 1970 1 January.

  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2003-03-10

    Logged In: YES


    Thanks for your detailed description of the issues. I'll try to fix
    them as soon as I find some time to do it.


  • bruno c borges

    bruno c borges - 2003-03-10

    Logged In: YES

    alin, I made a fix myself to the source, so I can use the driver
    in my project. :) If there is any open slot in jTDS project so I
    can go into it? :)

    thankz for answering :D

  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2003-03-11

    Logged In: YES


    Anyone is welcome to join jTDS. Most of the project
    members remained there for years, they don't work on the
    project anymore. In fact, during the last year I have been the
    only active member. There have been other people that
    helped me at one point or another, but most of them aren't
    even members. During the last few months, even I haven't
    managed to get too much work done, so it would really help
    having some new around. :o)

    So, if you would like to join jTDS, tell me and I'll add you to
    the developers list. Otherwise, you can post your patch,
    either here or in the Patches section.


  • bruno c borges

    bruno c borges - 2003-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    Sure! Of course I want to join the project! I have no much
    free time too, because the university and my real job, but,
    hey! I always go to bed after 2 AM! :)

    So, if you're interest with my help too, let me know. :)

    PS: sorry about my english. I just are good enough to read
    documents, articles and hi-tech stuffs/news... ;)

  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2003-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    Ok then, you're a member! :o) Enjoy... And let me know if
    you encounter any problems.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I create a table with a timestamp column.
    When I try to retrieve the value (using resultset.getTimestamp
    (1)), an error is thrown saying that the value is not a
    Timestamp type but a [B type (Byte Array)

  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2003-04-02

    Logged In: YES

    The MSSQL TIMESTAMP type is by no means the same
    thing as the Java Timestamp. In MSSQL TIMESTAMP is a
    binary value generated from the current date and time and the
    MAC address of the computer, while in Java it's a structure
    for managing time values (between 0:00:00.0 and

    If you want to use the Java Timestamp you'll have to create a
    DATETIME column in MSSQL.

    And by the way, could you create an account on
    SourceForge for yourself? It would be easier both for you and
    for others to track changes to the issues you bring up.


  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2003-12-10

    Logged In: YES

    Ok, I finally fixed the issue. It took me a while to figure out
    why the fix was seemingly providing wrong results (they were
    actually correct) but it seems to be working fine.

    I cannot commit the changes from this machine, I will do it as
    soon as possible, though.


  • Alin Sinpalean

    Alin Sinpalean - 2003-12-11

    Logged In: YES

    Now it's in the repository. It will also be in the next release.



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