
JSmbGet / News: Recent posts

Many bugfixes in CVS

Checkout the CVS repository to get lots of really important bugs introduced in the latest alpha squished. The CVS version now also uses the latest jcifs library, which increases speed and overall performance.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-10-31

JSmbGet 0.2 alpha released!

I decided to release an early alpha instead of the promised beta in the last news I posted. This release is a "preview version", meaning it's not very stable and there are several known problems. The reason it's released is that I want early feedback on the Graphical User Interface that's introduced in this version. There have been a few changes to the text based client as well, see the CHANGES file for details.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-08-28

0.2 beta to be released!

The first beta of JSmbGet 0.2 is almost ready to go. The major new feature is a graphical user interface. Some minor changes to the code have also been made. However, I'm going away for about a week so the beta will not be ready for release until about 2 weeks, so hang tight.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-08-04

GUI available in CVS!

The development of the next version of JSmbGet is in motion and a basic GUI is starting to take form in the CVS sources. So checkout JSmbGet via CVS, building and running instructions are available in the README.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-07-29

JSmbGet 0.1 released!

The first stable version of JSmbGet has now been released! No new features have been added since the last beta, but a few minor bugfixes have been made.

Development of JSmbGet 0.2 has already started, and planned features are (among others) the ability to upload files and a GUI (Graphical User Interface).

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-07-18

Beta nr 4

The fourth beta is now available for download. Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements have been made, read all about it in the CHANGES file.
The windows start scripts are now included in the tar.gz so there's no need for a separate download anymore.

I need you guys to send me comments about bugs and stuff like that so that I can fix them before the release of 0.1. If you find anything please send an e-mail to the mailing list: read more

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-07-08


I'm currently working on commenting the code and creating Javadoc for it so that it will be possible for people to write their own client if they're so inclined.
The next (and probably final) beta, before the sharp 0.1 version arrives, will be released sometime soon, within a week or so. There have been a few minor bug fixes and feature enhancements, for example:
- You can now get detailed info like ETA of a download.
- Options like "auto-connect" in the config file.
- Some fixes in what the "help" command printed.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-07-05

Windows start scripts back up!

There we are. All Windows users should now be happy again as the win start scripts for JSmbGet are available for download again. Hopefully it'll work this time.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-06-24

Corrupt zip file...

The zip file providing the windows start scripts was corrupt for whatever reason. Sorry about that... I've removed it for now, but I'll upload a working one as soon as possible.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-06-24

Windows start scripts now available!

in the files section you can now also download windows bat scripts for easier start of the server and client. The work in the exact same way as the shell scripts available in the 0.1b3 release, so the info in the README should be enough for windows users as well.

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-06-23

Good stuff coming...

During the summer the development of JSmbGet will be a bit slower, however there is a new beta coming that makes JSmbGet alot more useful. The next release will include changes like: Commands like CD, LS and GET is now available instead of the unintuitive interface used in the first betas.


/Torgny Johansson

Posted by Torgny Johansson 2002-06-13