
Java SID Player Music Library V2 / News: Recent posts

New Version released: 4.10

Release Notes:
JSIDPlay2 goes JavaScript (
* Run JSIDPlay2 in a browser in JavaScript or Web Assembly (THIS IS NOT JAVA)
* Runs out-of-the-box in all browsers (Chrome is faster than Firefox)
* Only 2MB in size, loads very quick
* Compatible with all SIDs (mono, stereo and 3-SID)
* Plays mono SIDs and ONEfilers on a middle class mobile phone and multi-disk demos on a PC
* Runs near to native speed, performance only depends on your max. single core speed
* Runs completely on the client side in a web worker (once in browser's cache)
* Full emulation quality, no compromise, C64, Floppy and more
* Developed single source in JSIDPlay2 project, enhancements are automatically available in all versions
* For the first time, embed music or demos in YOUR web-site with JSIDPlay2

Posted by Ken Händel 2024-06-13

New Version released: 4.9

Release Notes:
* JSIDPlay2: New Java requirements: Use Java 17 or newer (Java 11 is NOT supported) or as an alternative Oracle-Java8 (yes, we are still compatible)
* JSIDPlay2: New architectures added to releases, namely AArch64/ARM64 (e.g. for Apple M1)
* JSIDPlay2: New WAV and MP3 native drivers added using ffmpeg and used by default (Java versions are still available though)
* JSIDPlay2: Hardware Support has been tested using ExSID+. A big thanks to Thibaut Varéne for his Christmas package and his excellent device.
* JSIDPlay2: GMod2 cartridge support added (RAM expansion works fine, EEPROM functionality is untested)
* Bugfix: Prevent JSIDPlay2 to hang and scan whole directory tree, if called with a SID as command line argument
* Bugfix: Thread safety issues fixed, when several recordings are done in parallel in the same Java virtual machine
* Bugfix: automated tests repaired
* Bugfix: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException fixed for RSIDs
* Tools: Recording tool added for whole collections like HVSC using a configurable number of parallel threads
* Assembly64: integration of new search API by Fredrik Åberg
* C64Jukebox: Text2Speech added to announce tunes (executing external program pico2wave - or espeak -
* C64Jukebox: Upload possibility for C64 contents added.
* C64Jukebox: Random HVSC playback mode added
* C64Jukebox: better server performance by throttling live audio/video streams and using asynchronous servlets
* C64Jukebox: Slightly better performance for hardware playback
* C64Jukebox: VUE warnings spotted in development mode and fixed

Posted by Ken Händel 2023-12-23

New Version released: 4.8

Release Notes:
Support of SFX Sound Expander Cartridge [FM-YAM alike] has been added (YM3526=OPL1 and YM3812=OPL2), new digi sample playback not working though.
(Insert Cartridge to enable support, disabled by default)
Bugfix: PSID64 detection of SID base address fixed

C64 Jukebox:
Keyboard interaction reacts much faster
Configuration completely renewed
Layout enhancements
PRG can be configured to play as audio and not as video
Support of SFX Sound Expander Cartridge can be enabled in the configuration... read more

Posted by Ken Händel 2023-06-14

New Version released: 4.7

Release Notes:
- Default Java version has been changed to Java11 and higher, however java8 can still be used. There are additional executables and shell scripts where "-java8" is part of it's name.
- The configuration version changed, JSIDPlay2 creates a new one and backups the old one to jsidplay2.xml.bak and jsidplay2.ini.bak
- Default SID Model has been changed to MOS8580, because most of new SID music releases require that chip.
- Bugfix: RSID tune recordings ended too early (RSID tunes are delayed about 2.5 seconds on reset).... read more

Posted by Ken Händel 2022-12-24

New Version released: 4.6

Release Notes:
- Configuration version changed for jsidplay2.xml, creates a new one and backups the old one to jsidplay2.xml.bak
- sidplay2.ini has been renamed to jsidplay2.ini
- All shell-scripts and desktop files renamed to lower case without space in it's name for convenience
- splash screen removed
- New java based USB drivers implemented for:
SIDBlaster, ExSID, ExSID+, HardSID4U, HardSID Uno and HardSID UPlay
Supported platforms: Windows/Linux and MacOSX (MacOSX currently not working with HardSID devices)
- SID Recordings can now being watched and exported in a new recording view.
- Player control buttons reworked and rearranged... read more

Posted by Ken Händel 2022-06-13

New Version released: 4.5

Release Notes:
* Better C64 breadbox/PC64 images and Composer pictures
* GameBase64: show musicians photo
* Use fixed PAL/NTSC setting is now possible
* New playback option: sequential (repeated) added
* FLV recordings added
* Live Video Streaming added
* Recordings are now created using ffmpeg for better performance and quality control
* startSong parameter added to restful services API
* Unboosted digis on 8580 are now equally audible for Dag Lem's ReSID 1.0beta same as for Antti's ReSIDfp

Posted by Ken Händel 2021-12-23

New Version released: 4.4

Release Notes:

Hardware support:

SIDBlaster Linux and macOSX support added
SIDBlaster: sidblastertool executable added to store SID chip type on USB device permanently and to set serial no.
SIDBlaster: Better auto-detection reads permanently stored SID chip type from device
ExSID support added for Windows, Linux and MacOSX for mono, stereo SIDs and fake stereo mode
SIDBlaster, ExSID and HardSID4U: Full oscilloscope support and SID read support by parallel emulated SID.
Ultimate64 streaming: Ultimate64 window scaling is now configurable... read more

Posted by Ken Händel 2021-06-13

New Version released: 4.3

  1. Video Screen gives a much clearer picture now, blurryness removed
  2. Window handling improved (minimize/maximize window)
  3. SIDBlaster: magic wand added (auto-configuration), serial numbers shown
  4. HardSID4U: 64 bit library added (no more 32-bit Java required)
  5. HardSID4U+SIDBlaster fake stereo mode using delay fixed
  6. App: Loop song fixed
  7. WHATSSID? tune recognition updated to HVSC#74
Posted by Ken Händel 2020-12-23

New Version released: 4.2

WhatsSID? Shazam like audio recognition added to JSIDPlay2 and JSIDDevice
New Audio driver: AVI recording
New Audio driver: SID register writes as CSV
Audio post processors added: Delay effect and Schroeder reverb effect
Audio Settings added: Audio post processor settings and recording quality
Emulation settings added: Revert settings, copy first SID settings to stereo SID and 3-SID
Turn PAL emulation on/off
Ultimate64 Audio-/Video Streaming: PAL emulation for video output added
Toolbar icon added: Save Recording to folder
Delay value range changed to 0..50ms in 1ms steps
Bugfix: Save JPEG screenshot
Bugfix: SOASC download strategy
Bugfix: Volume of 2SID and 3SID corrected, fake-stereo volume fixed (everything should sound equal loud)
Bugfix: Oscilloscope output is a bit smoother now
Bugfix: Emulation settings: JSIDDevice filter names and selection fixed... read more

Posted by Ken Händel 2020-06-12

New Version released: 4.1

Online View Assembly64 added
T64 files are handled as a program and not as a tape, if loaded. Therefore they load faster, now.
However T64 can still be inserted as a tape.
Tune infos show now hex addresses as well.
Searching for a date in music collection and Assembly64 can now be done using year or
year and month or year, month and date.
You can now sync Ultimate64 and JSIDPlay2 by network (supports: insert disk, launch program or demo).
Java 11 Compatibility
More stable audio with smooth video screen output at configurable larger audio buffer sizes
Reduced memory usage fixing memory leaks
Support mono and stereo MP3 playback with 41000 Hz, 84000 Hz and 96000 Hz and auto-change players settings

Posted by Ken Händel 2019-06-01

New Version released: 3.9

Download handling in the internal web view has been improved
A help page has been added
SID dump can now be used anytime in the middle of a tune
PSID64 settings detection have been added
Bug fixes have been made of course

Posted by Ken Händel 2017-09-16

New Version released: 3.8

A network SID client has been added and bugfixes have been made

Posted by Ken Händel 2017-02-03

New Version released: 3.7

This is a bugfix release

Posted by Ken Händel 2016-08-03

New Version released: 3.6

This is a bugfix and performance release.

Posted by Ken Händel 2015-05-31

New Version released: 3.5

New features are:
- PSIDv4 support (3-SID music entries)
- Choose between ReSID 1.0 beta and Resid-fp Distorion simulation for each SID
- Change all emulation parameters on-the-fly while playing

- Android client beta version added to the web-site

Posted by Ken Händel 2015-03-05

New Version released: 3.4

I did some Linus fixes, tested on Debian Wheezy.
kmix volume control integrated.
Change Filter Settings for Mono and Stereo SID separately.
Toolbar button: switch to next favorite.

Posted by Ken Händel 2014-12-11

Web Site has moved

Due to bandwidth problems at sourceforge i have moved the project Web Site to

Posted by Ken Händel 2012-10-03

Version 2.5 released

A new release is out!
A lot of new features have been added.
Have a look at the Readmes to find out:
README_1st.txt and README_2nd.txt

I hope you like it :-)

Posted by Ken Händel 2012-03-21

Version 2.0 released

A new release is out introducing a graphical user interface.
Just check out that decent emulator, that is very compatible.
As development is still being continued, expect more features and
better performance in the future.

We love C64!

Posted by Ken Händel 2010-09-24

Keep Up-To-Date With...

... Java WebStart!
Install and launch with the following link:
and you will always use the latest version.

Stay tuned...

Posted by Ken Händel 2008-09-04

Test jsidplay2 in a browser

1. Install latest java version
2. enable java in your browser
3. klick this url and have fun

Posted by Ken Händel 2008-02-14

Beta version for download

I will frequently update the current beta of
the upcoming version. Feel free to download the preview.
But, i am not responsible for any damage that
may occur if you use this version.
Any content here can change within days.
Download here and have fun with the GUI:

Posted by Ken Händel 2008-01-14

Java SID Player Music Library V2 1.4 released

Java Sidplay2 gets better and better.
Many bugs are fixed and almost all missing features of the original were added.
New emulation efforts (distortion simulation) was added.
Now this is the second emulator supporting this

Merry Christmas,

Posted by Ken Händel 2007-12-22

Java SID Player Music Library V2 1.2 released

Now the console player is almost complete.
This release is a feature release as well as a bugfix release.
Please refer to the release notes and change notes.

Posted by Ken Händel 2007-12-07