Jeremy D. Monin - 2012-12-13

Stable version 1.1.17 has been released.

Version 1.1.17 contains these features and fixes:
- Road Building: Player may skip (cancel) placing second free road, if they want to use just one road piece
- Road Building: While placing first free road, don't enable Cancel in popup menu
- If jar client can't connect to server, returns to first panel, with buttons to connect or practice
- If try to start server in JSettlers.jar, but port already in use, show message instead of exiting immediately
- If server's debug commands are on, warn at connect
- Get Practice Game options from practice server, not from most recently started game
- If join a server after a practice game, re-enable name and password fields
- Chat text field: If a long line is truncated, keep the rest of it in the textfield
- Debug commands: dev cards: Send card type numbers with help message
- If server rejects bot's dev card play, bot sees that and tries a different move
- When player leaves game, don't send hostname to all players
- Server DB setup script: Ignore net errors when running script and exiting
- If server DB is empty, use default parameters for all bots
- Server constructors: throw exceptions instead of System.exit

For more details, please see the release notes.

1.1.x is the old stable branch; work on 2.0 has taken a long time, so this is how bug fixes and minor feature improvements get released. The two lines split right after the 1.1.13 release last November.

Most work on 1.1.x is backported from 2.0; changeset comments often mention a hash from a master commit.