
JPublish / News: Recent posts

JPublish 3.0b1 Released!

Version 3.0b1 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is a powerful web publishing system designed to ensure a clean separation of developer roles. JPublish includes support for multiple templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker and WebMacro. JPublish supports numerous scripting languages including Python, BeanShell, and JavaScript. JPublish is modular and provides for easy extensibility.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2004-03-25

JPublish 3.0a6 Available

It's been some time since the last JPublish release, so here is 3.0a6 for your consumption. The following changes were made:

Added code to JPublishServlet to clear context after current request completes. Applications using the JPublishEngine directly must clear the context manually. Upgraded to BeanShell 2.0b1. Improved error handling, especially with script actions, to provide more information such as detailed error, line number, etc. whenever that information is available. Reworked XML parsing error handling to provide line-specific error reporting. Added page parent path to Page and PageInstance as well as an extraction method to the PathUtilities class for retrieval from a full path. Modified Page, DefaultPageManager and PageInstance to provide support for complete modification of the page path. The Page.getPath() method now returns a modified path if any of the following page fields are changed: name, type or parent.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2004-01-07

JPublish 2.0.2 Released

Version 2.0.2 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is a powerful web publishing system designed to ensure a clean separation of developer roles. JPublish supports multiples templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker and WebMacro as well as multiple scripting languages for authoring actions.

This release includes the following changes: Fixed several spots where there was a potential for leaky streams. Updated the EdenLib.jar where similar fixes were made for leaky streams.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-08-07

JPublish 2.0 Released!

Version 2.0 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at . Thanks to all of the developers who have contributed during the development of JPublish 2 - your hard work is appreciated.

JPublish is a powerful web publishing system designed to ensure a clean separation of developer roles. One of the most anticipated features of JPublish 2.0 is support for multiple templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker and WebMacro. In addition JPublish 2.0 includes the following features:... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-06-10

JPublish 2.0b4 Released

Version 2.0b4 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is a powerful web publishing system designed to ensure a clean separation of developer roles. JPublish includes support for multiple templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker and WebMacro. JPublish supports numerous scripting languages including Python, BeanShell, and JavaScript. JPublish is modular and provides for easy extensibility.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-05-13

JPublish 2.0b3 Released

Version 2.0b3 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is a powerful web publishing system designed to ensure a clean separation of developer roles. JPublish includes support for multiple templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker and WebMacro. JPublish supports numerous scripting languages including Python, BeanShell, and JavaScript. JPublish is modular and provides for easy extensibility.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-03-22

JPublish 2.0b2 Released

Version 2.0b2 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is a powerful web publishing system designed to ensure a clean separation of developer roles. JPublish includes support for multiple templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker and WebMacro. JPublish supports numerous scripting languages including Python, BeanShell, and JavaScript. JPublish is modular and provides for easy extensibility.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-03-15

JPublish 2.0b1 Released

Version 2.0b1 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is a powerful web publishing system designed to ensure a clean separation of developer roles. JPublish includes support for multiple templating engines, including Jakarta Apache's Velocity, FreeMarker and WebMacro. JPublish supports numerous scripting languages including Python, BeanShell, and JavaScript. JPublish is modular and provides for easy extensibility.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-02-11

JPublish 1.4.1 Released

Version 1.4.1 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release is a security update which disables parameter actions by default. You can enable parameter actions by adding the following line to your jpublish.xml configuration:... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-02-04

JPublish Article in JavaPro

Peter Varhol has done a good job at providing an introduction to JPublish in an article in the February edition of JavaPro magazine. I hope that this article will spur interest in JPublish among the developer community. Thanks to Peter for his superb article. The article is available online at

-Anthony Eden

Posted by Anthony Eden 2003-01-07

JPublish 1.4 Released

Version 1.4 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release includes the following changes: Added PageInstance class to replace the current Page class. There is only one PageInstance per page path. Changed the Page class so that it wraps the PageInstance class. Added getLocale() and setLocale() to the Page class. Page property accessors now use the Page Locale. Added org.jpublish.util.NumberUtilities class and exposed as numberUtilities in the context. Added org.jpublish.util.DateUtilities class and exposed as dateUtilites in the context. Fixed custom error handler bug. Upgraded to Velocity 1.3.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-12-03

JPublish DB Module 0.2 Released

JPublish DB Module version 0.2 is now available for download at

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

The JPublish DB Module provides easy database access from within JPublish applications. It is useful for prototyping or developing simple web applications which require access to an SQL database. The DB Module provides means for executing queries, inserts, updates and deletes. SQL statements are defined declaratively in XML configuration files making it easy to make modifications without a need to restart your server. Results are automatically exposed to your pages making it easy to present data to your users.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-10-02

JPublish 1.3 Released

Version 1.3 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release includes the following changes: Added Virtual File System for all subsystems. Replaced StaticResourceLoader with StaticResourceManager. Added FileSystemStaticResourceManager, an implementation of the StaticResourceManager interface. Added FileToPathIterator. Implemented getPageConfigurationWriter() in FileSystemPageManager and FileSystemPageManagerWithDefault classes. Added methods for getting, putting and removing script actions. Added getPaths() methods to ActionManager. Added pre-evaluation and post-evaluation actions.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-09-25

JPublish DB Module 0.1 Released

JPublish DB Module version 0.1 is now available for download at

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

The JPublish DB Module provides easy database access from within JPublish applications. It is useful for prototyping or developing simple web applications which require access to an SQL database. The DB Module provides means for executing queries, inserts, updates and deletes. SQL statements are defined declaratively in XML configuration files making it easy to make modifications without a need to restart your server. Results are automatically exposed to your pages making it easy to present data to your users.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-09-21

JPublish 1.2 Released

Version 1.2 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at .

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release includes the following changes: Added BeanShell support for actions. BeanShell JAR is included with the distribution. Added PageManager.putPage() method. Added TemplateManager.putTemplate() method. Added Template.getText() and Template.setText() methods. Template.getReader() is now a protected method. Fixed bug in PathAction configuration loading. Configuration passed to the ActionWrapper was the site configuration instead of the specific action's configuration. Fixed bug in XMLPageManager with page definition loader. Added AbstractFileSystemRepository. FileSystemRepository and ExtendedFileSystemRepository now extend from this abstract base class. Added Repository.getPaths() methods and implemented in all repositories.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-08-23

JPublish 1.1 Released

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release includes the following changes: Created template subsystem for providing pluggable template managers. Created file systen based TemplateManager implementation to load templates. Reordered code in JPublishServlet. Page objects are now loaded before actions are executed. Refactored action execution in JPublishServlet into individual protected methods. AbstractPageManager.getSiteContext() is now public. Added getPages() methods to PageManager interface. Added getPageConfigurationReader() and getPageConfigurationWriter() methods to PageManager interface. Implemented getPages() methods in all page managers. Added getAttribute(), setAttribute(), getAttributeNames() and removeAttribute() to SiteContext. Added additional documentation regarding BSF and which scripting languages are supported. Changed all web.xml DTD references to Servlet 2.3 DTD. Added DBPageManager and DBPageIterator classes.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-08-12

JPublish 1.0 Released

Version 1.0 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at . Thank you to all developers who have contributed to the development of JPublish.

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-07-22

JPublish 1.0b3 Released

Version 1.0b3 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at . This is the third beta release of the JPublish framework. The JPublish APIs should be fairly stable at this point, although I cannot promise that there will not be further changes prior to the production release.

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-06-05

JPublish 1.0b2 Released

Version 1.0b2 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at . This is the second beta release of the JPublish framework. The JPublish APIs should be fairly stable at this point, although I cannot promise that there will not be further changes prior to the production release.

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-05-28

JPublish 1.0b1 Released

Version 1.0b1 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at . This is the first beta release of the JPublish framework. The JPublish APIs should be fairly stable at this point, although I cannot promise that there will not be further changes prior to the production release.

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-05-14

XMLRPC module released

A module for XMLRPC integration in JPublish is now available. The module includes an example WAR, documentation, and all necessary libraries.

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-04-02

JPublish 0.9 Released

Version 0.9 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release includes the following changes: Added module system. Created FormProc module subproject. Created EJB module subproject. Page now uses ActionManager.findAction() to locate actions. ActionManager.findAction() now looks in modules for actions in addition to the original defined action map. Added support for configurable input encoding. Upgraded to Velocity 1.2. Removed all HTTP object wrappers (no longer required). Changed all instances of VelocityContext to JPublishContext which extends VelocityContext. Now exposing SiteContext in the main Velocity context. Changed the execute method in the Action interface to execute(JPublishContext, Configuration). All actions are now wrapped in an ActionWrapper which allows actions to be executed with a configuration. syslog now exposed in script actions regardless of whether or not there is a Velocity context (thus it is available to startup actions). Moved all action configuration into the ActionManager.loadConfiguration() method. Removed dom4j. Now using JAXP and Crimson. Changed all context references from vc to context. Removed old example site. Added part three of the tutorial.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-03-21

JPublish 0.8 Released

Version 0.8 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release includes the following changes: Added custom error handling facilities. Locale sensitive page properties. Script engine classpath fixed. Exposed FormProc FormManager as form_manager to scripts and pages. Included an example configuration file in the jpublish-example application which contains all possible configuration options. Revamped all page configuration files to define "title" as a property. Added part 2 of the tutorial. Changed all Copyright dates. Upgraded EdenLib to 1.0b3 (current build). Removed JDOM and Xerces. Now using DOM4J for XML parsing.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-02-15

JPublish 0.7 Released

Version 0.7 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release contains many changes which are designed to make using and learning JPublish easier. JPublish configuration files now support relative paths. The documentation has been rewritten and is included as a WAR file. A simple example application is included as a WAR file. An empty JPublish project is included to provide a starting point for building your own JPublish sites. The jpublish namespace was removed from all configuration files. For a complete list of changes please see the changelog.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-01-21

JPublish 0.7.1 Released

Version 0.7.1 of the JPublish web application framework is now available at

JPublish is an open source web publishing framework which merges the Velocity template engine from the Jakarta Apache group with a content repository and application control framework. Like all good web frameworks, JPublish provides a clean separation of code, content, and layout.

This release now includes the jpublish-docs and jpublish-example source code. Fixed some incorrect JavaDoc documentation. Made modifications to the build script.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2002-01-18