
JPPF / News: Recent posts

JPPF 6.0 alpha 4

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

JPPF 6.0 alpha 4 new features highlights

Pluggable monitoring data providers

  • this extension mechanism allows the management and monitoring API to provide user-defined data fields representing diagnostics data, health or general information on the JPPF node and driver JVM processes or the system on which they run
  • custom data fields are automatically added to the JVM health view of the desktop and web administration consoles
  • all numeric data fields are automatically made available to the user-defined charts of the desktop console
  • monitoring data providers have full localization support
  • the default data fields in the JVM health view are supplied by a built-in monitoring data provider... read more
Posted by Laurent Cohen 2018-06-10 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2.9 maintenance release

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2018-04-02 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 6.0 alpha 3 preview release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 6.0 alpha 3

1. New features highlights

Multi-server topologies improvements

Full-fledged NIO implementation

  • communication between servers was refactored to work purely via the NIO APIs
  • it now reuses the existing NIO thread pool instead of starting its own threads... read more
Posted by Laurent Cohen 2017-09-29 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 6.0 alpha 2 preview release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 6.0 alpha 2

New features highlights

Database Services

This new faciltiy allows to create and configure JDBC data sources and use them in any JPPF component.

In particular, it is possible to:... read more

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2017-08-15 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2.8 maintenance release

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2017-08-10 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2.7 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2.7

This maintenance release brings important bug fixes and enhancements.

Bug Fixes

JPPF-498 Client reconnect to driver failure
JPPF-503 JPPF Serialization: ConcurrentModificationException when serializing a java.util.Vector... read more

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2017-06-12

JPPF 6.0 alpha preview release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 6.0

1. New features highlights

Web administration console

  • the web console provides management and monitoring of JPPF grids from a web application
  • container-managed authentication allows any authentication policy supported by the web/application server
  • authorizations with three application-defined roles: adminsitrator (JPPF client configuration and management), manager (grid management) and monitor (monitoring and read-only operations).
  • connections to the servers and client configuration can be performed in-place without restarting the web server
  • functionally equivalent to the rich client console, except for the charts that are still missing
  • tested on leading web and application servers: Glassfish, JBoss, Wildfly, Tomcat, Jetty, Websphere Liberty, Weblogic
  • fully localized (English and French translations available at this time)... read more
Posted by Laurent Cohen 2017-04-10 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2.6 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2.6

This maintenance release brings important bug fixes and enhancements.

Bug Fixes

JPPF-495 JobListener.jobDispatched() notification is sent too early
JPPF-496 JCA connector: packaging prevents effective logging in JBoss 7 and Wildfly... read more

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2017-04-02 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.1.6 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.1.6

This maintenance release brings an important bug fix.

Bug Fixes

JPPF-496 JCA connector: packaging prevents effective logging in JBoss 7 and Wildfly

JPPF Links: Web Site - Downloads - Documentation - User forums - Issue tracker - project page

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2017-04-02 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2.3 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2.3

This maintenance release brings an important bug fix.

Bug Fixes

JPPF-479 Task cancelation/timeout problems

JPPF Links: Web Site - Downloads - Documentation - User forums - Issue tracker - project page

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-11-27 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2.2 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2.2

This maintenance release brings important bug fixes and enhancements.


JPPF-475 JMXMP large notifications lead to OutOfMemoryError
JPPF-478 Improvements in AbstractAdaptiveBundler... read more

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-09-30 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2.1 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2.1

This maintenance release brings important bug fixes and enhancements.


JPPF-467 Custom discovery mechanisms for peer drivers and clients
- for peer drivers
- for clients... read more

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-08-22 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2 Generally Available

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2

1. New features highlights

Administration console:

  • Node filtering with an execution policy editor with import/export capabilities
  • Ability to select the visible statistics in the server statiscs view
  • Syntax hihghlighting in all the editors: properties/node filtering
  • The admin console splash screen is now customizable via the configuration
  • The administration console is now fully localized, with full English and French translations available... read more
Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-08-02 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2 beta 2 preview

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2-beta2

1. New features highlights

Administration console:

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-06-29 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.1.4 maintenance release

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-06-11 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2 beta preview

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2 beta

1. New features highlights

Administration console:

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-05-11 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.2 alpha preview

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.2 alpha

1. New features highlights

Administration console:

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-02-08 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.1.2 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.1.2

This maintenance release brings an important bug fix.

Bug Fixes

JPPF-428 Driver gets stuck when configured with local node on a machine with only 1 processor

JPPF Links: Web Site - Downloads - Documentation - User forums - Issue tracker - project page

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2016-02-05 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 5.1.1 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 5.1.1

This maintenance release brings important bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

JPPF-418 Memory leak in client queue
JPPF-419 JPPF Admin Gui does not display pending actions
JPPF-424 Redirection of System.out and System.err is not working for drivers... read more

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2015-11-30 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster adnroid .net

JPPF 4.2.9 maintenance release

JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid

What's new in JPPF 4.2.9

This maintenance release brings important bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

JPPF-398 Deadock in the client
JPPF-418 Memory leak in client queue... read more

Posted by Laurent Cohen 2015-10-25 Labels: java open source grid cloud grid computing compute grid cloud computing parallel processing distributed computing cluster